2021 - October Beacon

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August 16, 2021

8/15 spoke with Tom Stackpoole and he told Terry we need to purchase 2 new heavy-duty carts for the island, Tom is also waiting on repayment for items that he purchased he also has to turn in his hours for July and August 8/15 spoke with Doug Betts and Kevin Verkest about designing the handrail out of stainless tubing on A Dock and Battleship Row. Both said they would work together to design and install. Terry will schedule a meeting with both to discuss what can be done and pricing 8/16 a meeting is scheduled with Labelle Electric to change out breakers, they cancelled and rescheduled for 8/18 8/16 called Rambo Tree service for an estimate on tree topping (voicemail says they are booked till October 8/16 spoke with V/C Dale Hall to get access to the bank account, waiting on Kevin Rae to meet Terry there. Terry has an estimate for the dock extension in the amount of $3050.00 there would be an additional charge of $200.00 for hinges. End of Report


Debbie Siwek

Beverly and P/C Edward McIntyre asking to be relieved of their work hours Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

Jim and Sandy Wunderlich are asking the board to accept their letter of resignation Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

Debbie read Debbie DuVernay’s letter concerning Membership

Glen and Jennifer Franklin’s application request was returned to them

New Members Shannon and Ron Nagaj Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Gary Jialanella Motion : Carried by all Robert and Tracy Richie Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

We currently have 201 boating members


Melissa Winkler

Please get your items for the Beacon in by the 26 th . Melissa is working on updating the website. Melissa has been talking to ABYA about updating their info in the Beacon. Melissa asked about continuing the tradition of putting the photo of a recently passed P/C on the cover of the Beacon. Melissa sent Kevin 2 additional checks for advertising.


Gary Jialanella

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