2021 - October Beacon
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August 16, 2021
2. Updated quote for last section of Robison seawall project – V/C Dale Hall V/C Dale Hall has the quotes, BP Marine has bowed out of any more work at NCYC due to his workload, Ron’s Marine gave an updated quote in the amount of $90,000.00 for an additional 126 feet of seawall, V/C Dale Hall said this quote is high. The first 100 feet of seawall cost around $50,000.00, in 2019 we replaced 116 feet at the cost of about $60,000.00. Dale reached out to another marine company to see if we can get a more reasonable quote, he will make some more calls for additional quotes. The discussion of waiting another year to make the repair in hopes that the price of steel will decrease. 3. Quote for repair of FIN II – Director Tom Lisowski Tom spoke to Darryl Campbell about reskinning the bottom of the Fin and they together think that it is an expense that will not be a long-term problem solver. The cost of replacing the Fin is about $150,000.00 - $250,000.00. On inspection of Fin II it was dry. Tom will work on some more quotes. 4. Member funding source for capital projects overview – Frank Corcoran For the past 2 years we have been running a $50,000.00 surplus, with the seawall extension we have used a large amount of that. Frank said in 2015 – 2016 the board approached the members for assistance in raising money for improvements. This was a successful program. When the board receives a bank loan, they required the club to carry flood insurance. Which is costly. Frank gave the board a promissory letter that was used in 2015 – 2016. This discussion is because of the expense of the Fin issues and the seawall issues. The club is currently in good condition, Frank was just giving options to the board if finances are needed. 5. Dues increase Dues have not been increased since 2011. They were raised $100.00 10 years ago to our current cost of $700.00. The membership must vote on this. The secretary would send out a communication to the members and it would be voted on at Haul Out. There is some discussion of raising the bar prices as well, the prices have not changed since 2018. Tabled. 6. By-Law – Requirements for running for Rear Commodore Current by-law: ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS The Flag Officers shall be Commodore, Vice-Commodore and Rear-Commodore. Only members in good standing who have been elected to and served a full term as Vice-Commodore, Rear-Commodore, or a full term as Director shall be eligible for the office of Commodore. Only members in good standing who have been elected to and served one full year as a Director shall be eligible for the office of Vice-Commodore and Rear- Commodore. Only members in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to taking office shall be eligible for the office of Director. Proposal for a new by-law will be presented to the by- law committee.
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