2021 - October Beacon

I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all the people who made

the 2021 Commodore's Golf Outing & Dinner a success.

The ladies who helped at the golf course.

Debbie Siwek, Anne Siwek and Debra Jacott.

Our ticket seller who single handed sold 50/50 and raffle tickets,

Shelley Sweier

Chuck and Sandi Stroh who could not be with us for a generous donation.

There were 3 people who requested Hole sponsor signs.

The BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to Jill Romatz and her dinner crew

for the FABULOUS steak dinner.

Can't forget Bob Fringer who cooked the steaks to perfection.

And a final THANK YOU to the NCYC members who participated.

Without your support none of this is possible.

Diane French

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