2021 - September Beacon

Fleet Captain Report It’s hard to believe that it is already September, Fall is approaching, and our NCYC Rendezvous’ are all finished. WOW, yet again time sure flies when you are having fun!!! Michele and I would like to thank Commodore Glenn for appointing and trusting us to plan and deliver fun trips for our club. COVID of course made planning activities this year a huge challenge, but in the end, we all figured it out and had a blast! In a recent Fan Out we thanked many people that helped us ensure the Fleet activities were a success. We want to again thank Glinda Mantyk for making some really cool names tags for the St Clair rendezvous. With so many newer members, this was a great idea and something we should consider in the future! Many members know the behind the scenes work it takes to have such large parties and fun. The appreciation that was shared with us by many members was very welcomed. And now it is our turn to thank all of you for your support and the fun we had this year!!

And now on to being “past” Fleet Captain’s, a tradition we look forward to sharing with others!

Thank you so much, Scott & Michele Goemmel

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