2021 - September Beacon
My research indicates the first known Labor Day Event was a parade in New York City on 9-5-1882. It seems that the idea spread until it is the recognized holiday we now all enjoy. I then started to read God’s word on the topic of work and labor and found so many references as to how we should approach work and what attitude a Christian should have towards it. God himself has worked from the beginning and in the gospel of John Jesus stated that He and His Father are constantly working. In Genesis when God created man he placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and care for it. In Proverbs God talks about those with lazy hands versus those whose hands are diligent. God’s word is also clear that work is not a curse but part of our created purpose. It is also good to note that while idleness is bad, rest is good and endorsed by God. So my friends…..Work hard, rest well, and glorify God in all you do! Be good to one another, stay kind, stay humble, and may God bless you! Looking forward to seeing everyone Labor Day weekend.
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