2021 - September Beacon

ABYA Fall Fling September 10-12, 2021 LAKE SAINT CLAIR METRO PARK

Rendezvous cost for wrist band is $35 pp each for the whole weekend OR $25 pp for Saturday only-mail your check to: ABYA 34312 Harper Clinton Township, MI 48035 you will be put on a master list as a paid participant and pick up a wristband

upon arrival It Includes: Friday night Hot Dogs-Potato Salad-Chips Chili Cook-Off -bring a batch of your best and win a prize Saturday Lunch Pulled Pork Sandwiches-Sides-Dessert Games and Raffles or on your own Saturday Night Fire and Ice (Bring your own meat to put on our grill and a pass to share) -Specialty Drink (alcoholic)- Dessert Entertainment -Blind Justice Sunday Morning Bloody Mary/Mimosa Bar and Breakfast

Questions? Patricia Mok at 586-243-2670-leave a message if necessary.

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