2021 - September Beacon
*** ABYA Update ***
September 3, 2021
Fall Fling is right around the corner. DON'T send a check in the mail now. Instead bring it to Once Again Bridal before Thursday the 9th. Or call me and leave a message that you will be attending and we can 'Will Call'. Head count is necessary. Hot Dogs and sides provided on Friday along with a chili cook off. (Bring your best, competition is tough-PRIZE for the best- everyone loves prizes!!). Homemade Pulled Pork and sides Saturday for Lunch. A propane grill for your use is furnished also and bring a side to share for Saturday night. Maggies famous punch will be provided, too. Raffles, include 50/50, Basket of cheer and Lottery Tree. Entertainment is provided by Blind Justice on Saturday night. Sunday is Bloody Mary Bar, and a wonderful to-go breakfast. GET ON THE LIST in order to join the fun!! Our Charities need us. This is how we do this!!
***If you were one of the boats to get your reservations through the ABYA hold, please let me know your name and slip #. Text is to 586-243-2670. See flyer attached.
ABYA Events
ABYA will have a table in the Metro Boat Show. September 16th -19th. Half off tickets are way too confusing for our organization to provide. We hope you join us just the same. Bring your updated club information with you to the next meeting so that we can promote your club. Save the Date for the Christmas Charity Ball December 4th at the Rochester Hills Banquet Center. We will be honoring all club Commodore's whose celebrations were canceled due to Covid in 2020 AND all of the ABYA Past Commodore's along with yours truly. It will be an honor to share this, our last charity event of 2021. See Flyer 50/30/15/5 tickets are here! Still only a dollar a piece. They will be passed out at the September meeting.
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