2022 - Feb - Beacon
Anchor Bay Yachting Association General Membership Minutes January 3, 2022 Hosted by Nautical Mile Yacht Club at Jefferson Yacht Club
Meeting called to order at: 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation from Chaplain Greg Murray
Officers in Attendance: P/C Patricia Mok Commodore Leslie Leitch Vice Commodore William Bailey Rear Commodore Sally Preston Treasurer Ruth Hollister Secretary Immediate Past Commodore Patricia Mok
Clubs in Attendance: ABC of Anchor Bay (Chris Beck, Ron Grose, Lisa Kost), Bayside YC (Greg Kosciolek), Belvidere BC (Robert Mack), ABC of Detroit (Al Schwaller), Great lakes CC (Tony Simion), ABC. Of Grosse Pointe (John Sulkowski, William Stano), Harbor Club N/S YC (Sue Merony, Kurt Salvatore),
Huron Pointe YC (Chris Malik), Nautical Mile YC (Elizabeth Trelfa, Patrick Vandenboom, Todd Wyber), North Channel YC (P/C Bill Calihan) North Star SC (Tracy Tower), Past Commodores Club ( P/C Ed Bolsendahl), Poor Man's YC (Ann Marie Bliss), Sandpointe YC (Jim Albrecht, Jennifer Wambach), Sailing Singles (Shirley Hathaway), Shores Harbor Club (Mike Blake)
Commodores Comments: Welcome Past Commodores,Delegates and Guests to the first General Membership meeting of 2022
Secretary Report-P/C Patricia Mok Need approval of November 2021 GMM Minutes Motion to approve by GLCC Second by ABC-Detroit
Discussion Approved
Treasures Report- Treasurer Ruth Hollister Ruth read December treasurer report,balance 13,015.24
Need approval of treasury report Motion to approve by: P/C Calihan Second by: P/C Rick Romatz Approved
Ruth read January treasurer report balance 10,332.77 Need approval of treasury report Motion to approveby : HCN&SYC Second by: HPYC Approved
Commodores Report: Commodore Leslie Leitch Upcoming calendar including Boating Classes, Fundraisers and hosting
Meeting Format changes- The website include only informational noteations, ie: Board members, Cllub members, By-Laws and Constitiution, ABYA Events. Presentation on website and Facebook Forthcoming. Share your events on Facebook Page Still in need of a Secretary-No better time to join the board Presentation of Charity Checks to: ◦ Macomb County Sheriff's Marine Division-Lt. Tina Old, Deputy James Haddad, Deputy William Tondreau St. Clair County Sheriff's Marine Division-Sargent Marty Stojan ◦ Noble Odyseey Foundation-Captain Luke Clayborn Vice Commodores Report-William Bailey Along with P/C Patricia Mok-Informational Power Point Presentation put together by V/C Bailey, for the incoming delegates
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