North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 14 FEBRUARY 2019
Call to Order Commodore, Ian Blackburn Commodore Ian Blackburn called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The meeting was held at Rosie O’Grady’s of Chesterfield MI. Roll Call Secretary, Frank Corcoran F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Ian Blackburn x Vice Commodore Bill Calihan x Rear Commodore Glenn Nixon x D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell X Excused Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli x Activities Tom Huntley X Excused Treasurer Brian Fringer x Publications Ron Draper X Excused Secretary Frank Corcoran x Membership Debbie Siwek x Supplies Dale Hall x Club House John Sweier x I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE Randy Pagel x A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Leslie Leach x Excused Board Recorder Brian Roath x Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda All MOTION: Moved by John Sweier and seconded by Dale Hall to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by Frank Corcoran and seconded by V/C Bill Calihan to approve the January 10 2019 Board meeting minutes. Motion Carried
Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Ian Blackburn I would like to thank everyone who helped with the Commodores Ball, it was a huge success and certainly an honor. A night that Marie and I will remember. It was also a great kick off to NCYC 2019! There is a lot to cover during tonight’s meeting so let try to stay on point and keep the discussions moving.
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