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14 February 2019
Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Bill Calihan Vice Commodore Bill Calihan congratulated Commodore Ian and his lady Marie for planning and hosting an outstanding Commodore Ball. A great time was had by all. He also congratulated P/C Randy Pagel for his great choices for the member of the year award and the spirit award. V/C Bill commented with this being the first function of the year going so well, he is looking forward to an outstanding season.
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Glenn Nixon Congratulations and a warm “thank you” to Commodore Ian and his Lady Marie for an outstanding Commodores Ball. The venue, food, entertainment and fellowship were absolutely fantastic. Winter is passing quickly, thank goodness, with the Detroit boat show coming up this weekend. Every year it seems once the boat show is passed, spring comes before we can catch our breath. There is a lot of work ahead to prepare for this coming season. We have a very talented board that is definitely up to the task of organizing ourselves for a fun and productive year. Our membership is growing and will be called on to attack the difficult task of restoring the first 100 feet of docks and walkways in addition to finishing the upper level siding. It seems whenever there is a need, our membership steps up and delivers. I am confident we will again answer the call and complete the projects in time to enjoy the season. I look forward to participating in the blessing of the fleet coming up a few short weeks from now and starting on our projects as soon as our island emerges from her deep freeze! Financial Report Treasurer, Brian Fringer Treasurer Brian Fringer distributed the financial report and commented that it was a quiet January. Membership dues are starting to come in. Brian reached out to Bultynck and Company to get started on the NCYC tax returns. He was waiting for a response for a request from Ancient Mariners and First Mates so they could get started on the return. A request for an extension was filed which is normal. Brian encouraged board members to stop by the bank to sign appropriate forms. MOTION: Moved by Debbie Siwek and seconded by P/C Randy Pagel to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried ABYA Report P/C Randy Pagel P/C Randy Pagel noted that ABYA is hosting a booth at the boat show and that he has provided flyers promoting NCYC to be handed out at the booth. He reminded everyone that the Midland rendezvous is coming up on March 8.9.and10 and encouraged everyone to attend. He also said that Leslie Leitch is putting together a new ABYA web site and is encouraging NCYC to send over anything that they wish to publish on the site. Correspondence All
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