I would like to personally shout out a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that helped with donations for the NCYC Downs Horse Races. The generosity of our members is over whelming. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you to the people who donated items, a special thanks to Hugh & Mary Vestal for their storage space, to those who helped get all the donations to the club, to those who helped set-up or contributed in any way to this event . . . Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I know I have missed names on this list, I apologize. There were people who brought contributions the night of the races that I missed writing down. Please know that your contributions were just as appreciated as everyone else.

Al & Margaret Herr Ancient Mariners

Law Enforcement Education Program Lumber Jack Lot 18 Winery Lowe's Menard's

Archie & Patti Archibald Ardo & Charlene Apigian Beall's Florida Best Buy

Michael's Craft Store Tim & Paula O'Brien

Bed, Bath & Beyond Bob & Cindy Swan Brackett's Auto Christmas Tree Store Commodore John & Bev Anderson

P/C Harley & Linda Burris P/C Hugh & Mary Vestal P/C Jim & Rae Ann Whyard P/C John & Marj Sevald P/C Paul & Cathy Jarvis P/C Rick & Jill Romatz Pam Marin Pat & Nancy Carroll Peter & Norma Frame R. & J. Rowe R/C Chuck & Sandy Stroh Rite Aid - Algonac Sam's Seasons Steve & Diane Marten The Wine Shoppe V/C Brian & Renee McEvoy

Dave & Debbie DuVernay Dave & Kathy Gronbach Debbie Siwek Don & Sue Reiss Ed & Diane Romatz Game Stop Gary & Dianne Barnard Glen & Pat Wagner Hallmark Jo-Ann's K-Mart Kings Lane Larry & Kim Miedema

AND . . . to everyone that I missed . . . Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

The Committee of NCYC Downs, the Ancient Mariners and Diane French

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