First Mates Report

Wow, how the summer has flown. In just a few weeks we will have an opportunity to spend time together for Labor Day weekend. Some dates to remember:  Saturday, August 30 @ 10:30 am — First Mates General Membership Meeting in the NCYC Club House. A continental breakfast will be provided.  Sunday August 31 @ 5:30 pm — Italian Dinner sponsored by the First Mates. Cost is $15 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under. See the Flier in the Beacon or in the Fan Outs for more information. With regard to the Board elections we currently have three positions open with the candidates listed as follows: Vice President-Marie Pepin; Treasurer-Sheila Nixon; Recording Secretary (choose one)-Anne Malik, Linda Pagel. If you are interested in serving on our First Mates Board of Directors, please contact a member of the election committee. The committee membership is:  Renee McEvoy-Chairperson  Debbie Siwek  Linda Burris  Bev Anderson Ballots and more information will be provided as we get closer to the 4 th . Save the Date: The First Mates Appreciation Party will be held on Thursday, November 13 @ Fern Hill. This will replace the Christmas Party usually held in December. Stay tuned for more information. If you are not currently a member of the NCYC First Mates, and want to be part of this hard working/fun loving group of women, please contact Barb Vanover @ 586-630-6286, or feel free to join us at our meeting on August 30.  Saturday October 4 @10:30 am —Haul Out Weekend First Mates General Membership Meeting and election of directors.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Pagel

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