August Contents
From the Editor
3 5 7 9
Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore’s Comments
Chaplain Art Brooks Ancient Mariners
10 13 15 22 24 26 33
First Mates Mention and Notices NCYC Organizational Chart
Calendar of Events
Welcome New Members Rendezvous Schedule
Event Flyers 34 June 2017 Board of Directors Minutes 41 Old Club Reciprocity Policies 47 Member of Month 52
Event Photos
55 57 58 60 53
2017-2018 Weekday Managers
For Sale
Mainland Well Waiting List O.D. Weekend Work Schedule
From the Editor…
This month’s cover proves the old adage, “A Picture is worth a Thousand Words.” Featured are our 3 New Jersey grandchildren; twins Kate and Aiden (6) and Will (4). The thought bubbles show some of the day’s memories that may be floating around in there. They didn’t make it half way up Anchor Bay Drive after their “Two Boat Rides in One Day!!” returning on the Fin after an afternoon on “Papa and Gramma’s Island.” It was games indoors and playground outdoors as we dodged thunderstorms all afternoon. They were out like lights before we passed Darryl and Josette’s house when Jeri caught this moment in time which I think says it all. From the first time we came to the Island we’ve always heard about the North Channel Yacht Club Family. It didn’t take long to realize it’s one of life’s intangible goodies, and it’s very real. So many of you have raised your kids here for generations and even though Jeri and I found this place too late for our kids, it’s quite a good feeling to know we’re building memories in our grandkids for their lifetimes. Nearly a month later, on Facetime tonight, the first thing out of their mouths was when they’re coming back to our island. What a wonderful segues to my official topic; Welcoming all the New Members we’ve received in the last few months, we even have a page for Newest of New Members, check it out. Now we have some new families to show around, so lets’ help them build memories too. I want to offer a “Shout Out” to Kim Miedema our Membership Director who has worked so hard and tirelessly and most importantly she’s worked passionately to bring new members to our island paradise. If I could, I’d nominate her for an Anchor but I guess there’s a taboo about Directors and Anchors. Being new myself, I’m still learning these things. Soooo, If you see her, a hearty “Thank You” is in order. Additionally, Tom Stackpoole went to town in the days leading up to the Membership Drive party, he had our Clubhouse & Island looking as good as she ever has, and all after a windstorm that littered the whole island with tree limbs and debris the day before the party. Thank You Tom!! Some of the event flyers have been updated so be sure have a look. It's Board and Flag Nominating Season, and now SPOUSES ARE ELIGIBLE!! As you may have heard we now have club reciprocity with the Old Club. Their policies regarding dress code, docking, guest registration, fees, and guest availability are substantially different than ours. Please see and review the agreement and policies on pages 47-51 before visiting the Old Club.
BlueSkies&Following Seas, Ron RonDraper Director, Publications North Channel Yacht Club
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Commodores Comments…
Where did the month of July go? With all of the events that took place in July, the month flew by. Eighteen boats and 50 brave souls endured fog, wind and waves to reach Mackinac Island and back on the Commodore’s Cruise. This shows that it takes more than Mother Nature can dish out to stop an NCYC party. I would like to thank all of you who came to Mackinac, we had a great time. Unfortunately we did not make it back for the Recruitment Party but it was a success as it has brought 4 new members to the club. Please make sure to welcome our new members and make them feel at home. The Christmas in July NCYC Island Rendezvous and the Float Down were well attended and enjoyed by all in attendance. August is another busy month with our Wounded Warrior benefit, Spaghetti dinner and Karaoke night on August 5th followed by the Ancient Mariners Taco Night and Meat Mania on the 12th. August 18th, 19th and 20th is our rendezvous at Mac Ray Harbor rendezvous along with the Selfridge Airshow. The Pagel/Swan Potluck dinner rounds out the month’s events. We are entering the second half of this year’s season so please take the time to participate in these events. You won’t regret it.
Commodore Pat
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Vice Commodores Comments…
The Commodore’s Cruise to Mackinac Island was a great time. We had approximately 18 NCYC boats arriving at different times to the island. The Mackinac Harbor was a little bit of a challenge for a couple of days with the wind coming out of the East. Still, we enjoyed good food, drinks and camaraderie. It’s hard to believe we are in August already with only 9 weekends left in the 2017 Boating season at the Club. This past weekend we enjoyed the Karaoke weekend at the Club. Linda and I didn’t realize how much singing talent we had in our Club. It was more like a concert than Karaoke. Many thanks to Frank Corcoran’s brother, John, for providing us with the patio music Saturday afternoon and MC of the music performers on Saturday night. Rear Commodore Ian and his bride Marie provided everyone with a great spaghetti dinner Saturday night with the proceeds going to the Wounded Warriors of whom John Corcoran sponsored this past weekend. Please continue to support your club and look for new opportunities to invite perspective new members and encourage current members to come out and enjoy our club.
V/C Randy Pagel
1973. Our grandparents went to Cape Cod and all we got was this super great beach house that’s still in the family in 2017.
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Rear Commodores Comments…
What’s up with the wind? I think this year is going down as the windiest boating season on the Great Lakes!!!! Speaking of wind, the Commodores Cruise had its fair share! Rumor has it that lines snapped and broke away from the docks. Fortunately no harm was done and everyone was safe and had fun. The recruitment party was amazing and fun! The event was extremely well attended and a lot of talk was heard all weekend of potential new members joining the club. I want to thank Kim and Larry Miedema along with their team for hosting such a well attended and well planned weekend. Christmas in July was filled with everything that you would expect including a visit from Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. The feast on Saturday was excellent and the holiday decorations put you in a merry mood. Thank you P/C Tom & Judy McHugh along with everyone that helped pull off this Rendezvous. The annual Float Down started early in the morning with everyone blowing up the rafts, tubes and Flamingo’s in preparing for a day on the water. Just before shove off, you enjoyed your bon voyage cocktail; a very strong, but refreshing summer beverage. During the float, dare I say ‘three hour tour’ there was a lot of camaraderie, laughter and strong libations; not to mention jello and pudding shots shared amongst friends. All in all, a good time was had by all. Next year I think I will use sunscreen as I am still nursing a sunburn. Oh, did I mention we had strong drinks being served all afternoon? Thanks P/C John Dickson, Bob Carnaghi and their team. Upcoming activities are Karaoke, Meat Mania, MacRay Rendezvous, Pot Luck and Labor Day. Come on out and join the fun! We are now entering the season where the Nominating Committee is hard at work. I for one can attest that it is a rewarding experience to be part of the Board. If you would like to get involved with the management of the club be sure to talk to a committee member. The committee is comprised of P/C Brian McEvoy (Chairman), P/C Scott Bell, P/C Bill Hendricks, P/C Rick Romatz, Diane French and Frank Corcoran. RC/ Ian Blackburn
AMessage From ChaplainArtBrooks…
Notes from the Chaplain, Art Brooks First of all, I would like to extend a big thank you to the NCYC Publications Director Ron Draper for allowing me to take a month off from writing my article. Sue and I are very grateful for the kind words and the thoughts that you expressed in the article. Thank you again. I have some catching up to do. On May 23, I was advised that longtime member Tom Karasinski had surgery. He was sent to a rehab center in hopes of gaining strength enabling him to return home. Colleen Hay's mother, Shirley Calcaterra passed away on June 3. She will join her husband who preceded her in death. Sue and I lost our son, Kevin Brooks, age 54. Married to Lori, father of Ryan (Mallory) and Zachary. Sue and I wish to thank the many people from the club who paid their respects at the memorial on June 17. On June 25, Michael Strozeski, age 46 passed away suddenly. He was the husband of Shelly, father of Noah and Kylee, son-in-law of Patty and Archie Archibald, brother-in-law of PC Rick and Jill Romatz.
The following thoughts and prayer was written Phil Ware From Peter, Chapter 1, Verses 5:6-7 'Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's almighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Thoughts on Today’s Verse….You’ve probably had a similar experience to this one. Someone asks you how you are doing. At first, they seem interested, but as you begin to share the burdens of your heart, you begin to realize that they aren’t really listening and aren’t really interested; they’re just being polite. Most people have so many burdens, they simply don’t know what to do with more. Our Father in Heaven, however, says, “Cast all of your anxieties on me. You can share all of them with me because I generally care for you. My prayer, Father, I have been blessed in so many ways. Thank you so very much. I do have some really burdensome things, however, that trouble me. Please do with the following concerns what is best for each of the people involved and what brings you the most glory. (Please share your burdens and concerns with the Lord). I thank you for listening to my words and my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen
WE WILL MEET OR BEAT Any Written Competitors Estimate * *Must be a registered repair facility Lochmoor Collision - valuable coupon
24 HOUR TOWING 586-709-4657
There were 34 people at the July luncheon. The August 17 th luncheon is at the club at 1:00 PM. The September 14 th luncheon is at 1:00PM at the club Fair Winds, Calm Seas
Archie Archibald Ancient Mariners President
Hi Ladies:
In front of the fireplace Sandi Stroh has boxes for our summer fun raiser with a list of items that are needed. Please help make the ALGONAC Food Pantry donations a big success. Labor Day Dinner is Sunday, September 3rd. It will be managed by Debbie Siwek who will be in charge of the main dish, and the Board members have signed up to provide side dishes. Join us for a great dinner. Past President Mary Marini will head the Nominating Committee. Someone from her committee may approach you and ask you to be on the Board. Please consider these positions. Our Christmas Party is at Avante in Clinton Township on Tuesday, December 5th, with Sue Brooks in charge of this event. Anyone interested in donating anything for her raffles, please let her know. There will also be a charitable fund raiser that night. More details to follow. Don't forget to shop and browse our Boatique. Jill has restocked it due to an abundance of sales. Hope to see you around the club this summer. Respectfully, Colleen Braun 2017 First Mates Publicity Director
Dear First Mates of North Channel Yacht Club, July is the time for fireworks, commodore cruises and members of the first mates to think about kicking it up a notch and consider becoming a 2018 member of the board of directors. The ladies that previously served in a position on the board, know that you are probably thinking that it’s a lot of work, don’t have time or feel intimidated by it. They would also tell you that in reality, the benefits are incredibly rewarding, super fun and a great way to make a difference! We are all very passionate and have a great love for NCYC. The members are like our own family. We share a common goal- our objective- ……”.fostering harmony and friendship among members, promote activities for the benefit of the organization and The North Channel Yacht Club.” Have you ever noticed that when there is a task at hand or an activity to prepare for, how many people are there to help? It is no different when you sit on the board of directors. We all help and support each other. People volunteer for countless reasons, but mainly because we want to share experiences, feel more connected, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It feels good to know that contributing only a few hours a year, you can make a great difference to our beloved organization. Without the board of director volunteers, the First Mates wouldn’t exist. We are so happy and proud that we can give so much back to the club. On behalf of The First Mates, the nominating committee is seeking members to fill several positions for the 2018 year. Please contact Mary Marini, Renee McEvoy, Cathy Criner or Anne Malik should you have any questions or if we can help guide you to a very fulfilling experience. Cheers, Mary Marini Nominating Chairperson 586-709-8840
Members, please support our advertisers…
NCYC Membership
Commodore Pat Carroll
Commodore Past Chuck Stroh
Commodore Vice Randy Pagel
Commodore Rear
Darryl Transportation Campbell
Fleet Captain
Grounds Harbor & Bill Calihan
Scott Clubhouse Greenfelder
McHugh P/C Tom
Brian Fringer
Ron Draper
Glenn Nixon
Kim Miedema
Dale Hall
Tom Martin
Committee Finance
Committee Insurance Commodore Pat Carroll
Procedures Guidelines & Committee P/C Rick Romatz
Planning Forward Committee Blackburn R/C Ian
Committee Reserve Fund
Committee Nominating P/C Brian McEvoy
Committee By Laws
Brian Fringer
Glenn Nixon
P/C Chuck Stroh
Leslie Leitch Rendezvous Incoming
Arms Sergeant-at-
Officer Safety
Recorder Board
Youth Directors Greg & Amy Wojtalik
Ann Malik Sue Mile Surgeons Fleet
Co. LLC Bultynck &
Don Ruma
Art Brooks
Ben Carroll
Russ Adams
NCYC Photographer Membership
Major Sargent
Pins Burgees & Judy McHugh Manager
P/C Chuck Stroh Delegate ABYA
Manager Clubhouse
IT Officer
P/C Bill Hendricks
Scott Bell
Dick Raymond
North Channel Yacht Club 2017 Calendar of Events January 21 Commodore’s Ball February 3, 4, 5 Edgerly/Malik Snowmobile Trip March 12 Blessing of the Fleet at Mariner’s Church March 10 - 12 ABYA Spring Rendezvous Midland April 15 Elite Brigade April 22 Elite Brigade April 29 Elite Brigade May 6 Elite Brigade May 7 FASHION SHOW May 13 First Spring Work Party May 20 First Spring Work Party May 26 – 29 Opening Weekend Fitting Out (OD: B. Fringer) 27 First Mates Patio Party General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Fitting Out Dinner – TBD 28 Pride of Michigan Flag Raising Ceremony 1:00 PM Complimentary Luncheon following Ceremony Father Steve Blessing of the Fleet 3:00 PM June 3 ABYA Dinner Dance (OD: P/C Stroh) June 9 – 11 CIGAR/WHISKEY/WINE TASTING (OD: D. Shepperson) DON RUMA June 11 – 16 Ladies Week Carroll/McHugh June 16 – 18 RENDEZVOUS ALGONAC HARBOR CLUB (OD: P/C Dickson) June 22 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB June 23 -25 Kid’s Weekend GREG (OD: Lockhart) June 30 – July 2 OPEN (OD: Nixon) Fourth of July Celebration
North Channel Yacht Club 2017 Calendar of Events July 7- 9 OPEN (OD: Martin) (fireworks in Lexington) July 9 – 14 Commodore’s Cruise to Mac inaw Island July 14 – 16 JULY 20 (OD:Miedema) ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB July 21 – 23 CHRISTMAS IN JULY (OD: Corcoran) TURKEY DINNER July 28 – 30 FLOAT DOWN (OD: B. Carroll, K. Verkest) BOB /JOHN August 4 – 6 OPEN (OD: R/C Blackburn) August 11 – 13 OPEN (OD: Calihan) August 12 Ancient Mariner’s Meat Mania AUGUST 17 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB August 18 – 20 RENDEZVOUS (OD: Campbell) MACRAY HARBOR - THUNDERBIRDS AIRSHOW August 25 – 27 POT LUCK Swan/Pagel (OD: V/C Pagel) September 1 – 4 Labor Day Weekend (OD: Draper) 2 General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Meet the Candidates P/C Beer Bust after Meeting hot dogs/hamburgers 3 First Mates Dinner September 8 – 10 OPEN (OD: P/C McEvoy) September 11 ABYA GMM First Mates Dinner September 15 – 17 (OD: P/C Romatz) RAY FOGG CONCERT ON FRIDAY, 15TH SEPTEMBER 21 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB September 22 – 24 SMOKE ON THE WATER BBQ COOK OFF (OD: Latowski) GLICK/HART September 30 Commodore’s Clays Competition at NMSC (OD: Greenfelder) October 6 – 8 Haul Out Weekend (OD: Hall) 7 General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM 7 Haul Out Dinner 8 First Mates Haul Out Breakfast October 14 Fall Work Party October 21 Fall Work Party
Welcome New NCYC Members
Welcome New NCYC Junior Members
Welcome Newest NCYC Members
Welcome New NCYC Junior Members
Russ & Jenn Greenfelder 32 Carver
Pat & Brigida Sullivan Liquid Tranquility 34 Tiara
Some Newest of the New Member Info; Please Welcome:
Kim & Tony Scicluna - We have seen Kim & Tony at the club through the years visiting as a Board member of the ABYA and with JYC. She came to ladies week as a guest of Irene Martin. Kim retired from Blue Cross and Tony works in Artificial intelligence (cool stuff-soon to retire too!) They live on a canal in St. Clair Shores. The boat is Big Fun - a 31 Rinker. They spend lots of time with their grandkids too! Janis & Dominic Degregory- This couple loved the Steak and Lobster dinner so much they joined! Thanks to our new member Kathy Hickey for bringing them over as a guest. They live on Park Lane in the Algonac canal area. They have a 32 Sunsation Dominator that they might be trading in soon for a cruiser. Janis is a local Real Estate Broker and Dominic works in infrastructure construction for Consumers Energy. Their daughter Samantha also joined as a Junior member! Russ & Jenn Greenfelder - The name may be familiar - he is our Club House Director's nephew. They enjoyed our Open House and decided to join us. They are looking forward to starting the trend to have young kids enjoying the club. They have a beautiful 5 year old daughter Ryleigh. Russ is in the HVAC business. Jenn is also busy - taking on a new job. They live in Harrison Twp and have a 32 Carver. Pat & Brigida (pronounced like the actress Gina lollobrigida) Sullivan - Our newest members as of this morning. Pat retired from General Dynamics and Brigida from teaching. They got to experience living in Madrid Spain for Pat's last assignment. They have a beautiful home on Harsens Island, but their primary address in in Cape Coral Florida. We warned them that there are a lot of us wintering in Florida.. they may make year-round friendships by joining this club. They also get to "join" the Tiara club as they boat in a 34 Tiara Pursuit. They have 4 kids and 8 grandchildren and see the family often.
NCYCMEMBERS: THISCERTIFICATE IS TOBEGIVEN TOA BOATINGFRIENDWHOMAYWANT TO JOINTHE NCYC IN2018: I, (member name)____ invite you (guest name)_____ and your first mate, to be my guest at the NCYC to enjoy the Club on the weekend of ( month, date, 2017) With the payment of dockage on Friday night ($2.00 per foot) you are invited to stay Saturday night at no charge. We hope you will find our Island Treasure to be an enjoyable place that you may want to join with your family. Please check out for more information on membership. **Party weekends are excluded (Labor Day, Haul Out, etc.) Please remember guests must come with their sponsors and only one coupon is allowed per boat
Guest contact information:
Mailing address: Street _____________________________________________________________ City and zip ________________________________________________________
Phone number? ____________________
NCYC staff – please add completed form to Binder in drawer at the bar.
2017 NCYC Rendezvous Schedule Dear NCYC Members: Below is a list of rendezvous events that are scheduled for 2017. Plans are being finalized and will be published as soon as possible. June 16, 17 & 18, 2017 Our first rendezvous is at Algonac Harbor Club. For well reservations, please call Cassandra or Susan at (810) 794-4448. The wells are $55.00 per night and we recommend that you make your reservations now. The daily event program will be out as soon as the plans are finalized. Please see flyer in this month’s Beacon. July 21, 22 & 23, 2017 Our second rendezvous is at NCYC. Christmas in July has been brought back by popular demand with a visit from Santa. More details to follow. August 18, 19 & 20, 2017 Our third rendezvous is at MacRay Harbor. The Thunderbirds will be performing this weekend at Selfridge Air Base. This is a premier place to watch this air show. Please call MacRay Member Services (Tammy or Anne) at (586) 468-1900, ext. 434 or 443 and reserve your well. You will need to pay for your well when making your reservation ($2.25/ft.). Space is limited to 20 plus wells, so if you are interested, please call and reserve your well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact P/C Tom or Judy McHugh at (586) 465-7777 or email: Anchors away, Tom and Judy McHugh
Amigos … Time to get your Tacos
Please join us for our Festival MEXICAN MARGARITA MADNESS
A fun-filled afternoon and evening featuring Margaritas on the Patio, Mexican-themed Dinner followed by the infamous Meat Mania Bingo- type game where you could walk away with an armload of meats for your dining pleasure . When: August 12, 2017 Where: Patio & Clubhouse Time: Margaritas served at 2:30pm Dinner served at 5:30pm Meat Mania to follow dinner Menu for Dinner: Beef or Chicken Tacos served with all the fixings, Taco salad, Spanish rice, Homemade Re-fried Bean and Guacamole with Turtle Fudge Brownie for dessert Adult dinner: $10 Child dinner: $6 Margaritas: 2 for $5 Please --- In order to estimate how many people that will be attending the Dinner segment of this Festival, we ask that you call or email Patti Archibald. Email: or call 586-773-2267 Payment for Dinner and/or Drinks can be made at the Door
Hello North Channel Yacht Club:
We just received the list of well reservations from MacRay Harbor. We are in the process of finalizing the supplies/food portion of this rendezvous. For those people who have wells at MacRay and/or Belle Maer and would like to attend, we need you to RSVP as soon as possible (Please do so by 7/28/17).
Once we have a head count, we will be able to tell you the costs of this rendezvous.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact P/C Tom or Judy McHugh at (586) 465-7777 or email:
Thank you,
Tom and Judy McHugh
Pagel & Swan Potluck Saturday August 26 th Dinner 6:00 PM
Your dish to pass is to feed Approximately 8 – 10 people Suggestions Meats – Vegetables – Salads Rolls & Butter – Potatoes – Casseroles Desserts To help make clean up a lot easier Please bring your food in foil pans or trays.
Any ??’s Contact Any ??’s Contact Randy & Linda Pagel Bob & Cindy Swan C- 810-343-7178 H - 810-512-4532 C- 586-615-2983
He who has a thing to sell and Wispers in a Well, Is Not so apt to get the $Dollars$ As he who Climbs a Tree and Hollers !
Advertise with Us Support your Club and your Business Contact Ron Draper Director of Publications NCYC
North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 8 June 2017
Call to Order Commodore, Pat Carroll Commodore Pat Carroll called the meeting to order at 7:28 p.m. The meeting was held at North Channel Yacht Club. Roll Call Secretary, Glenn Nixon F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Pat Carroll Vice Commodore Randy Pagel Rear Commodore Ian Blackburn D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell Harbor & Grounds Bill Calihan Activities Tom Martin Treasurer Brian Fringer Publications Ron Draper Secretary Glenn Nixon Membership Kim Miedema Supplies Dale Hall Club House Scott Greenfelder I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Chuck Stroh TELECON A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain P/C Tom McHugh Board Recorder Don Ruma All MOTION: Moved by Bill Calihan and seconded by Glenn Nixon to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by Tom Martin to approve the 11 May 2017 Board Meeting Minutes. Motion Carried Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Pat Carroll The club’s been open for two weeks and everything is going smooth. Tonight, we’re going to get into revisions of policy and talk about a few bylaws. After we close the meeting, we’ll go over the Fan-Out instructions. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Randy Pagel It was another moving experience to be involved with the Flag Raising ceremony this year at NCYC. Many thanks to P/C Scott Bell for continuing to bring his organizational skills to make this a very professional Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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and emotional event. I would also like to thank Bill Calihan for helping P/C Scott Bell arrange for the Pride of Michigan to participate along with the Sea Cadets. The ABYA dinner was very well attended this year with around 188 people enjoying the dinner and entertainment on Saturday night. Please continue to support the club and look for new opportunities to invite perspective new members Rear Commodore, Ian Blackburn Welcome to the June board meeting; we are quickly approaching the second half of the year. When I complimented the board during the Memorial Day meeting, I meant it. Thank you for your efforts and dedication. We now need to focus on running the club for the next 4 months, along with the business of bylaw and policy change proposals. Let’s stay focused and make sure we are doing what’s right for the entire membership. Financial Report Treasurer, Brian Fringer The financial report was distributed via e-mail prior to the meeting and summarized. May 2017 revenues were just over $43,000, and the net gain was just under $20,000. We are still trailing 2016 by approximately $11,000. This is partially due to timing with the bar revenue reporting and membership. The board discussed that it is still too early to consider changes to spending since the club has only been opened for two weeks. MOTION: Moved by Bill Calihan and seconded by Darryl Campbell to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried ABYA Report P/C Chuck Stroh There was no ABYA meeting this month. Thanks to the NCYC members who supported the ABYA Dinner Dance. The club had just under $6000 gross in dockage and bar sales for the event. Correspondence All Ford Yacht Club invited the NCYC Flag and membership to enjoy the facilities of their club for the 2017 boating season. Port Dover Yacht Club and Long Point Bay Yacht Clubs offered NCYC members one night of free dockage as “true” reciprocation and requested that NCYC do the same to their members. The board considered the request, and there was no support to reciprocate to those clubs since they are in eastern Lake Erie on the Canadian side. Mike Linden asked that he could bring several of his friends with 4 or 5 boats from Mac Ray Harbor to the club. Since Mike is a member, he is allowed to bring guests to the club so there is no need to consider it a rendezvous. They may be interested in joining NCYC, so they will be offered a free night’s dockage after paying for the first night. to come out and visit our club. Rear-Commodore’s Comments
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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Activities – Tom Martin The fitting out party made about $150. Tom needs to get the copies of the activities reconciliation forms from the Treasurer. Club House – Scott Greenfelder The new door arrived and should be installed this coming weekend. Light bulbs will be changed out. The first-floor exterior of the clubhouse still needs to be power washed; that will be done in the next couple weeks. The trim on the bar will also be completed next week. Harbor & Grounds – Bill Calihan Running water to a several wells still needs to be completed. It was recommended that a list of tasks that need to be completed be prepared so that any week managers that have free time and want to take the initiative can complete some jobs. A new shop-vac, bench grinder and two barbecues were purchased. The cement pad near the guest wells still needs to be completed. Brett Kahl will be coming to the island to provide a quote on ice clusters; Bill will see if he can get Brett to bring the cement over. The board discussed the unique service that Brett and Ron Kahl have provided over the years, and it was suggested that Brett and his wife would still like to be members of NCYC but they have a difficult time doing their work hours because of their marine business. In the past the club had received service rates that offset the value of their work hours. Since the club relies heavily on that unique service, the Commodore will discuss the potential of a continued relationship (work-or-pay offset as a documented service cost reduction) with Brett and his wife as members. Membership – Kim Miedema An online application was sent in and another application was received. The board discussed whether or not a new member should be brought after Opening Weekend during boating season. The potential of a mentor program and/or introductions at any General Membership Meeting for members that join mid-season were brought up to ensure those new members feel welcomed. MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by Bill Calihan to allow new members to be voted in and join the club mid-season in 2017. Motion Carried Clarification was provided that P/C Gary Barnard was granted permanent relief of work hours in the January 2017 Board of Directors Meeting. Publications – Ron Draper Approximately 65% of the Rosters have been distributed. In 3 or 4 weeks, Rosters will be mailed to any members that haven’t picked them up. A class on how to do a Fan-Out will be held after this meeting. Secretary – Glenn Nixon There have been minor shifts in the work weekend schedule, primarily favoring Labor Day coverage. There are still a few members who haven’t responded on their work weekend placement. Work weekend coverage is in fairly good shape.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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Supplies – Dale Hall There are new breakfast and lunch items available for purchase behind the bar.
We are building a good relationship with our wine distributors, so we will continue the wine by the bottle selections that we have been offering. We’re prepared with the spirits for the scotch and wine tasting event this coming weekend. The POS systemwill be adjusted to include the new products. Brackets and locks have been acquired for the refrigerators and freezers. Transportation – Darryl Campbell Fin 1 is in service and the engine is “broken in” but still could use a steering adjustment. Fin 2 (Mackie) has received an oil, oil filter, and gas filter change along with a water inlet hose and coolant hose replacement. Fin 3 thruster still has not been returned by the manufacturer, and a commitment date is being pursued. A LED floodlight has been installed on the bow and is currently being “tweaked” for effectiveness without being obtrusive to neighbors or boats along its route. Fleet Captain – P/C Tom McHugh Thirteen boats have been confirmed for the first rendezvous at Algonac Harbor Club. P/C Rick and Jill Romatz have agreed to decorate the club house for the Christmas in July rendezvous. A band is being scheduled for that weekend. The Mac Ray Rendezvous is the same weekend as the 100 th Anniversary of Selfridge ANG and the Air Show. II. OLD BUSINESS Incoming Rendezvous: Doug Wilson of Middle Bass Island Yacht Club has requested to hold a rendezvous at NCYC with 6-7 boats the week of 10 July 2017. MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Bill Calihan to allow Middle Bass Island Yacht Club to hold a rendezvous at NCYC with 6-7 boats the week of 10 July 2017. Motion Carried III. NEW BUSINESS Mainland Well Policy Revision: Darryl Campbell passed out a Mainland Well Seniority policy change that was been reviewed and recommended by the Policy Committee. The current policy, “Upon a well opening, the lessee in the next well number higher than the well number that is open will have first choice at that well. The order will continue through well #20. For example, if well #12 becomes available the person leasing well #13 will get first choice at well #12. If the person leasing well #13 does not want to move, then the person leasing well #14 will have the opportunity to take well #12.” would be revised to read,
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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“Upon a well opening, the choice of that well will be based upon seniority of current lessees in descending order. The seniority list of current lessees will be kept on record along with the Mainland Well waiting list by the member in charge of mainland well leases.” MOTION: Moved by V/C Randy Pagel and seconded by Bill Calihan to accept the Mainland Well Seniority policy change. Motion Carried By-Law Revisions: Commodore, Pat Carrol, stated that its time to begin scheduling meetings with the By-Law Committee. Recommendations from the Traditions Committee, Board Members or other committees need to be put forward to the By-Law Committee. Secretary, Glenn Nixon, requested that input be submitted to him so that he can convene the meetings to begin discussion. R/C Ian Blackburn asked the By-Law Committee review two concepts: o Create a mechanism to funnel money into a “seawall replacement fund.” o Have the Commodore bound to choose a project from the Forward Planning Committee’s approved plan. Kim Miedema requested a review of Article III, Section 2A requiring that sponsors of a new member be members in good standing for at least one year. Fanout Instructions: Instructions were presented by Ron Draper following the Board of Directors Meeting. Member of the Month MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by V/C Randy Pagel for Bob Marin to be named Member of the Month. Motion Carried Good of the Order V/C Randy Pagel stated that a Week Manager is still needed for 25-30 June. V/C Randy Pagel and Bill Calihan stated that they have a plan to number the wells with stencils. The board discussed that there are errors in the Roster numbering that needs to be corrected. Glenn Nixon stated a concern regarding well assignment for the Christmas in July rendezvous. The board discussed how assignments would be handled for members that are not participating in the rendezvous. R/C Ian Blackburn received a request from Put-In-Bay Yacht Club to have a rendezvous at NCYC with 8 large boats on 1-3 July 2017. MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by Dale Hall to allow Put-In-Bay Yacht Club to visit NCYC with 8 large boats on 1-3 July 2017. Motion Carried Bill Calihan stated a concern regarding the policy for scheduling Junior Members as paid bartenders to ensure there isn’t confusion. It was stated that scheduling of Junior Members as paid bartenders is the responsibility of the Activities Director. Tom Martin will post the list of paid bartender assignments.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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KimMiedema recommended that a Member Recruitment Party be held on 15-July-2017 since no events are planned. She recommended that funding be earmarked to provide entertainment and food to entice prospective members to visit and join the club. MOTION: Moved by Dale Hall and seconded by Glenn Nixon to fund a maximum of $600 for a weekend membership drive. Motion Carried Commodore, Pat Carrol, received a request from the Kid’s Day Weekend OD to fund a band in the clubhouse. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Scott Greenfelder to deny the request for a band in the clubhouse on Kid’s Day. Motion Carried P/C Chuck Stroh suggested that members that have significant exposure to new boaters could be incentivized to promote the club. The board discussed the concept and other alternatives that would apply to all members. MOTION: Moved by Brian Fringer and seconded by Bill Calihan to provide a $50 NCYC gift card (to spend at the bar) to any member (the referrer) that brings in (approved and paid) a new member. Motion Carried Scott Greenfelder will attend the Celebrate the Lake event at Mac Ray Harbor promoting the club. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by Bill Calihan to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 20 July 2017, 7:00 p.m. Location: North Channel Yacht Club.
Boats leaving The Old Club for less than six hours may leave their dock lines, electric cables etc. and consider the space occupied provided the Dockmaster or the Manager is notified before leaving. Fishermen and high powered boats starting out early in the morning and or coming in late at night shall refrain from racing motors or making any unnecessary noise. Wave runners are allowed in the harbors at The Old Club. Operation must be at idle speed only. Dockage arrangements must be made through the Manager or Dockmaster. MISCELLANEOUS - Ice - For ice, please call the Front Desk at 810-748-9931. Loss of Property - The Club shall not be responsible for the loss of property from sleeping apartments, cottages, and or boats occupied by members or guests, or for any loss sustained in the Clubhouse by members or guests or from cars parked on the grounds and property. Parking - When parking cars, please protect our lawns and grounds by using the designated parking areas. No trailers are allowed at any time. Teen Room - On Saturday night the teen room is for children not participating in dinner or activities with parents. All children’s activity shall be confined to the Teen Room. The clubhouse beyond the reception desk shall be off limits to children unless accompanied by a parent. Dogs - Dogs shall be on a leash and attended at all times except at your residence or on your boat. No dog shall be allowed inside the Clubhouse, the Ritz, or any Club sleeping facility. Dogs are not allowed in the swimming pool area. The dog relief area is on the West portion of the island between the trap range and the maintenance building and between the driveway and seawall thereof. Also, on the west side of Philippine Island between the driveway and seawall thereof. Cellular Phones/Pagers - Use of cellular phones and audible pagers are not permitted in the Clubhouse except at porch area by swimming pool. Barbeques - Barbeques are not allowed on general Club grounds when the Clubhouse is open. Emergency - If a medical or fire emergency exists, police, fire and EMS can be summoned by dialing 9-911 on any house phone. (Remember - When using a Clubhouse dedicated line, you must dial 9-911. When using a private residential line dial 911.) After making 911 report, please contact the front office .
and House Rules _____________________________________________ WELCOME TO THE OLD CLUB - Our warmest welcome to you. This pocket guide has been prepared to help acquaint you with the club procedures and policies to make your visit as pleasant as possible. REGISTRATION - Upon entering The Old Club, a guest is required to register his or her name and the names of all the people in their party. This can be done at the main desk in the clubhouse in person or by phone. Guest cards, if not previously provided, can be picked up at the front desk and are necessary for purchases at the club. It is further requested that adult children of members, guests, relatives, or other persons accompanying a member or a members’ guest to the Club, be properly registered and be issued a courtesy card to identify them for service and security purposes. Outside Party guests -A facility fee of $25 per person per night will be charged to your account. Billing -You will be sent a monthly statement for your stay at The Old Club at the beginning of each month. Please remit a check once received. If you choose to have your credit card charged there will be a 3.9% handling fee associated with the transaction. If we do not receive a check, any balance forward will automatically be charged to the credit card we have on file. Strict adherence to all Club rules is required of all members and guests
THE OLD CLUB 9900 South Channel Drive Harsens Island, MI 48028 Phone: 810-748-9931 – Fax 810-748-3579
Shirts are required to be worn on Club grounds except within the fenced pool area where swimsuit attire is appropriate. Swim wear with cover-ups are allowed in the River Bar before 5:00 p.m.. Shirt and cover-ups are required to be worn to and from the pool area. Inappropriate attire is not allowed in the Clubhouse at any time during the season for Members, their families, or their guests. This includes blue jeans, collarless t-shirts, swimming attire, and tank tops. Gentlemen and male children must remove their hats before entering the Clubhouse except on designated theme nights. SMOKING POLICY Smoking is prohibited at anytime in the club house and any location food service is offered. There is a no smoking policy in the Ritz Hotel and the pool enclosure. SERVICE CHARGE - A service charge will be added to all food and beverage checks. No other departments are included in the service charge system. No member or family member shall join in any subscription for the benefit of any employee of the Club that has not been authorized by the House Committee or the Board of Directors. SWIMMING POOL - An attendant will be in charge of the swimming pool and all outdoor game equipment and will be ready to render any assistance wherever possible. This attendant is not a babysitter. Please do not leave young children unattended. All persons are required to shower before using the pool. TENNIS - Three clay tennis courts are located on the Club grounds for your enjoyment. Appropriate tennis attire must be worn on the courts at all times. Shirts or jackets are required. Tennis shoes are the only approved type of foot apparel. Complete rules for the Courts are posted at the courts. GOLF - The golf course and putting green are available for your use at no additional charge. Golf balls may be purchased at the front desk. Wooden tees must be used and are available at the front desk. A limited number of clubs and putters are also available at the front desk. TRAP - Trap shooting is available by appointment. Contact the front desk to make your reservation. There is a $20 charge per round for this activity. HARBOR RULES - The front harbor shall be reserved for boats registered for 50' or more in length. Exceptions may be made by the General Manager. No reservations are accepted for guest dockage. Dockage is on a first come basis. Guest dockage is $2.25 per foot per night.
DINING ROOM - RIVER BAR May 20th-June 29th:
Members desiring box lunches for fishing parties will be accommodated if a request is made at the Clubhouse before 6:00 p.m. the previous evening. There will be a service charge for each meal served outside the Clubhouse. Bartenders and waitresses for private cocktail parties may be provided by the Manager for a service charge including regular gratuity. Special orders for hors d'oeuvres may be arranged with the Manager at least 24 hours in advance unless such special orders conflict with Club operations on heavily attended weekends. ATTIRE - At a time when life styles have become more informal, the Club has moved to accommodate these changes. To assist Members and Guests, the following are attire classifications and how they apply to Club events and grounds. If you see an infraction of the dress code, please refrain from commenting and simply notify the General Manager. Dining Areas Standard attire for the dining room on most Saturdays evenings includes slacks and a collared shirt (no shorts) for men. Men are welcome to wear a jacket and tie. Jackets may be removed after 9 p.m.. Ladies standard attire includes dresses, dress slacks, skirts and pant suits (no shorts). Casual wear is permitted in the Clubhouse during the day and is suitable in the Dining and Grill Room in the evening, Monday through Friday and on Sunday. On Saturday evenings casual wear is permitted only in the Grill Room for dining and in the River Bar after 8:00 p.m. with one exception; shorts are not allowed in the clubhouse on formal evenings. Casual wear includes club shorts and collared shirts; it does not include pool attire, jeans, t-shirts or tank tops. Shoes must always be worn in the Clubhouse. Formal attire is designated for Special Event evenings, men are requested to wear a jacket and tie, or black tie optional when indicated on the roster or calendar. Theme nights are designated in the calendar and attire appropriate to the theme is encouraged. On Saturday nights children over the age of six (6) must adhere to the dress code. The exception is for those children who are participating in activities in the teen room. The dress codes above may be modified at the sole discretion of the Commodore or Vice Commodore for any given evening. Clubhouse and Grounds Casual wear is permitted in the Clubhouse during the day. Dress jeans are acceptable in the Clubhouse on pre and post season dates as indicated in the calendar. Shoes must be worn in the Clubhouse at all times.
Breakfast: Monday-Friday…………………………………………..CLOSED Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays…………………....8:00-11:00 am Lunch: Monday-Wednesday…………………………………….CLOSED Thursday-Sunday and Holidays……………………12:00-3:00 pm Dinner: Monday-Wednesday…………………………………….CLOSED Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Holidays……….…...6:00-9:00 pm *Saturday…………………………………….…….7:00-10:00 pm Dinner: Monday-Thursday…………………………………...6:00-9:00 pm Friday…………………………………………..…...6:00-10:00 pm *Saturday…………………………………………...7:00-10:00 pm Sundays and Holidays……………………………….6:00-9:00 pm *With prior arrangements, Breakfast can be served for private parties. **Dinner will be served in the Grill Room as well as the Main Dining Room every Saturday night. Please check with the front desk for the attire on any given evening. Reservations for dinner are required to ensure the appropriate level of service and essential for Friday and Saturday nights, Sunday Brunches and Holiday Weekends. The Club will make every effort to serve you without reservations but will appreciate your patience during busy time periods. Please call the club office at (810) 748-9931 or e-mail at for reservations. Please take time to cancel reservations when necessary. To avoid duplication, please let us know of other club members who will be in your party. Saturday evening reservations will be accepted for seating between the hours of 6:30—10:00 pm. Please be prompt. On Saturday nights, The Old Club dining room is reserved for the enjoyment of our members and guests. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult and dressed appropriately as listed in the club calendar and roster. Adults are requested to have children refrain from dancing on formal events and any other Saturday evenings after 9:30 pm, as well as going back and forth to the dining room. It is intended that Saturday night be adult time and parents are asked to plan accordingly. Food, Alcoholic Beverages or other refreshments shall be served by Club employees, from Club facilities only, except on boats, at private residences and sleeping rooms. Due to state law no alcoholic beverages of any quantity or nature shall be brought on to the Club premises and consumed thereon except that purchased from the Club . July 1st-September 11th
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