From the Editor…
This month’s cover proves the old adage, “A Picture is worth a Thousand Words.” Featured are our 3 New Jersey grandchildren; twins Kate and Aiden (6) and Will (4). The thought bubbles show some of the day’s memories that may be floating around in there. They didn’t make it half way up Anchor Bay Drive after their “Two Boat Rides in One Day!!” returning on the Fin after an afternoon on “Papa and Gramma’s Island.” It was games indoors and playground outdoors as we dodged thunderstorms all afternoon. They were out like lights before we passed Darryl and Josette’s house when Jeri caught this moment in time which I think says it all. From the first time we came to the Island we’ve always heard about the North Channel Yacht Club Family. It didn’t take long to realize it’s one of life’s intangible goodies, and it’s very real. So many of you have raised your kids here for generations and even though Jeri and I found this place too late for our kids, it’s quite a good feeling to know we’re building memories in our grandkids for their lifetimes. Nearly a month later, on Facetime tonight, the first thing out of their mouths was when they’re coming back to our island. What a wonderful segues to my official topic; Welcoming all the New Members we’ve received in the last few months, we even have a page for Newest of New Members, check it out. Now we have some new families to show around, so lets’ help them build memories too. I want to offer a “Shout Out” to Kim Miedema our Membership Director who has worked so hard and tirelessly and most importantly she’s worked passionately to bring new members to our island paradise. If I could, I’d nominate her for an Anchor but I guess there’s a taboo about Directors and Anchors. Being new myself, I’m still learning these things. Soooo, If you see her, a hearty “Thank You” is in order. Additionally, Tom Stackpoole went to town in the days leading up to the Membership Drive party, he had our Clubhouse & Island looking as good as she ever has, and all after a windstorm that littered the whole island with tree limbs and debris the day before the party. Thank You Tom!! Some of the event flyers have been updated so be sure have a look. It's Board and Flag Nominating Season, and now SPOUSES ARE ELIGIBLE!! As you may have heard we now have club reciprocity with the Old Club. Their policies regarding dress code, docking, guest registration, fees, and guest availability are substantially different than ours. Please see and review the agreement and policies on pages 47-51 before visiting the Old Club.
BlueSkies&Following Seas, Ron RonDraper Director, Publications North Channel Yacht Club
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