NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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and emotional event. I would also like to thank Bill Calihan for helping P/C Scott Bell arrange for the Pride of Michigan to participate along with the Sea Cadets. The ABYA dinner was very well attended this year with around 188 people enjoying the dinner and entertainment on Saturday night. Please continue to support the club and look for new opportunities to invite perspective new members Rear Commodore, Ian Blackburn Welcome to the June board meeting; we are quickly approaching the second half of the year. When I complimented the board during the Memorial Day meeting, I meant it. Thank you for your efforts and dedication. We now need to focus on running the club for the next 4 months, along with the business of bylaw and policy change proposals. Let’s stay focused and make sure we are doing what’s right for the entire membership. Financial Report Treasurer, Brian Fringer The financial report was distributed via e-mail prior to the meeting and summarized. May 2017 revenues were just over $43,000, and the net gain was just under $20,000. We are still trailing 2016 by approximately $11,000. This is partially due to timing with the bar revenue reporting and membership. The board discussed that it is still too early to consider changes to spending since the club has only been opened for two weeks. MOTION: Moved by Bill Calihan and seconded by Darryl Campbell to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried ABYA Report P/C Chuck Stroh There was no ABYA meeting this month. Thanks to the NCYC members who supported the ABYA Dinner Dance. The club had just under $6000 gross in dockage and bar sales for the event. Correspondence All Ford Yacht Club invited the NCYC Flag and membership to enjoy the facilities of their club for the 2017 boating season. Port Dover Yacht Club and Long Point Bay Yacht Clubs offered NCYC members one night of free dockage as “true” reciprocation and requested that NCYC do the same to their members. The board considered the request, and there was no support to reciprocate to those clubs since they are in eastern Lake Erie on the Canadian side. Mike Linden asked that he could bring several of his friends with 4 or 5 boats from Mac Ray Harbor to the club. Since Mike is a member, he is allowed to bring guests to the club so there is no need to consider it a rendezvous. They may be interested in joining NCYC, so they will be offered a free night’s dockage after paying for the first night. to come out and visit our club. Rear-Commodore’s Comments
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