NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 June 2017
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Supplies – Dale Hall There are new breakfast and lunch items available for purchase behind the bar.
We are building a good relationship with our wine distributors, so we will continue the wine by the bottle selections that we have been offering. We’re prepared with the spirits for the scotch and wine tasting event this coming weekend. The POS systemwill be adjusted to include the new products. Brackets and locks have been acquired for the refrigerators and freezers. Transportation – Darryl Campbell Fin 1 is in service and the engine is “broken in” but still could use a steering adjustment. Fin 2 (Mackie) has received an oil, oil filter, and gas filter change along with a water inlet hose and coolant hose replacement. Fin 3 thruster still has not been returned by the manufacturer, and a commitment date is being pursued. A LED floodlight has been installed on the bow and is currently being “tweaked” for effectiveness without being obtrusive to neighbors or boats along its route. Fleet Captain – P/C Tom McHugh Thirteen boats have been confirmed for the first rendezvous at Algonac Harbor Club. P/C Rick and Jill Romatz have agreed to decorate the club house for the Christmas in July rendezvous. A band is being scheduled for that weekend. The Mac Ray Rendezvous is the same weekend as the 100 th Anniversary of Selfridge ANG and the Air Show. II. OLD BUSINESS Incoming Rendezvous: Doug Wilson of Middle Bass Island Yacht Club has requested to hold a rendezvous at NCYC with 6-7 boats the week of 10 July 2017. MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Bill Calihan to allow Middle Bass Island Yacht Club to hold a rendezvous at NCYC with 6-7 boats the week of 10 July 2017. Motion Carried III. NEW BUSINESS Mainland Well Policy Revision: Darryl Campbell passed out a Mainland Well Seniority policy change that was been reviewed and recommended by the Policy Committee. The current policy, “Upon a well opening, the lessee in the next well number higher than the well number that is open will have first choice at that well. The order will continue through well #20. For example, if well #12 becomes available the person leasing well #13 will get first choice at well #12. If the person leasing well #13 does not want to move, then the person leasing well #14 will have the opportunity to take well #12.” would be revised to read,
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