Vice Commodores Comments…
The Commodore’s Cruise to Mackinac Island was a great time. We had approximately 18 NCYC boats arriving at different times to the island. The Mackinac Harbor was a little bit of a challenge for a couple of days with the wind coming out of the East. Still, we enjoyed good food, drinks and camaraderie. It’s hard to believe we are in August already with only 9 weekends left in the 2017 Boating season at the Club. This past weekend we enjoyed the Karaoke weekend at the Club. Linda and I didn’t realize how much singing talent we had in our Club. It was more like a concert than Karaoke. Many thanks to Frank Corcoran’s brother, John, for providing us with the patio music Saturday afternoon and MC of the music performers on Saturday night. Rear Commodore Ian and his bride Marie provided everyone with a great spaghetti dinner Saturday night with the proceeds going to the Wounded Warriors of whom John Corcoran sponsored this past weekend. Please continue to support your club and look for new opportunities to invite perspective new members and encourage current members to come out and enjoy our club.
V/C Randy Pagel
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