Rear Commodores Comments…
What’s up with the wind? I think this year is going down as the windiest boating season on the Great Lakes!!!! Speaking of wind, the Commodores Cruise had its fair share! Rumor has it that lines snapped and broke away from the docks. Fortunately no harm was done and everyone was safe and had fun. The recruitment party was amazing and fun! The event was extremely well attended and a lot of talk was heard all weekend of potential new members joining the club. I want to thank Kim and Larry Miedema along with their team for hosting such a well attended and well planned weekend. Christmas in July was filled with everything that you would expect including a visit from Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. The feast on Saturday was excellent and the holiday decorations put you in a merry mood. Thank you P/C Tom & Judy McHugh along with everyone that helped pull off this Rendezvous. The annual Float Down started early in the morning with everyone blowing up the rafts, tubes and Flamingo’s in preparing for a day on the water. Just before shove off, you enjoyed your bon voyage cocktail; a very strong, but refreshing summer beverage. During the float, dare I say ‘three hour tour’ there was a lot of camaraderie, laughter and strong libations; not to mention jello and pudding shots shared amongst friends. All in all, a good time was had by all. Next year I think I will use sunscreen as I am still nursing a sunburn. Oh, did I mention we had strong drinks being served all afternoon? Thanks P/C John Dickson, Bob Carnaghi and their team. Upcoming activities are Karaoke, Meat Mania, MacRay Rendezvous, Pot Luck and Labor Day. Come on out and join the fun! We are now entering the season where the Nominating Committee is hard at work. I for one can attest that it is a rewarding experience to be part of the Board. If you would like to get involved with the management of the club be sure to talk to a committee member. The committee is comprised of P/C Brian McEvoy (Chairman), P/C Scott Bell, P/C Bill Hendricks, P/C Rick Romatz, Diane French and Frank Corcoran. RC/ Ian Blackburn
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