August Beacon

FROM YOUR MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and time at the club. Please make sure to pick up your membership cards, if you haven’t already done so. Rosters are also available at the club. We encourage everyone to present their membership card at the bar when purchasing alcohol. This will eliminate any confusion about selling to non-members. This is especially important on Friday nights at the club during dinner. The bar becomes very busy and it can be confusing for our workers. We’d appreciate your cooperation. A reminder – Please make sure to notify me if you have a change of address or phone number or if you purchase or sell a boat. New information should be sent to my attention to my email address – .

Below is the current NCYC waitlist.

Mark Stiers & Jacquelyn Lane – Sponsors Tony Trocki & Diane Caldwell Joe & Mary Ann Simon – Sponsors Tom McHugh & Tony McHugh Nicholas Berry – Sponsors Tom Bugbee & Patty Mok Jim & Linda Thomson – Sponsors Ian Blackburn & Tony Scicluna Kevin Geier & Amanda Smoger – Sponsors Mike Davis & John Zych Michael & Terri Carbone – Sponsors Bill Hendricks & Dusan Rotarov Norwood & Connie Bates – Sponsors David Ciofu & Terry Steinmacher James Hardy – Sponsors Brian Fringer & Eric Vawter Gregory & Sara Edwards – Sponsors Dave Klicki & Mark Javery Rudy & Verona DeLorenzo – Sponsors Don Allar & John Zych Warren Wintermantel & Deborah Armstrong – Sponsors Randy Pagel & Dennis Biel Erik & Debra Piper – Sponsors Dave Klicki & Mike Davis Paul & Stacy Michalski – Sponsors Tom McHugh & Tony McHugh Stacie Grant & Dave Kirschke – Sponsors Jennifer Robertson & Dave Klicki

Current NCYC memberships – 281.

I hope to see everyone at the General Membership Meeting on Saturday, August 31 st , at 1:00 p.m. Your Board of Directors has much to share with the membership, and it’s important that you attend and stay up to date on the issues that affect your club.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Warm Regards,

Shelley Sweier 2024 Membership Director

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