August Beacon
Commodore’s Comments: PC Rick Romatz Hello NCYC Members, Here’s hoping all is well with you and your families and you’re having a great summer. As we continue this awesome ride through the 2024 boating season at North Channel Yacht Club. Looking back at July through early August thank you to Fleet Captains Shelly and Gary for an awesome Rendezvous at Cove Marina in Tilbury Ontario July 12-14 it was well attended a great fun filled weekend everyone had a great time. Thank you to 1st Lady Jill and Shelby and a huge team of members for an awesome well attended Kids Day July 20 this was a huge day for our youth from trick or treat to putting on the hits all the kids had a great time, and the Flag got totally soaked by the kids!! Also Thank you to our Ancient Mariners for the awesome well attended Horse Race fundraiser August 3 a great time was had by all thank you to the members that attended to make this event a success. Looking further into August and September Shelly and Gary are making plans for another great Rendezvous at Lexington and then it’s off to the north with the Commodores Cruise. The Wine tasting event has been cancelled for August 24. Labor Day is just around the corner for the general membership meeting and Commodores Beer Bust August 31 followed by the 1st Mates Dinner with entertainment September 1 Smoke on the Water September 14 Commodores Golf Outing September 21and Potluck Dinner September 28. Watch for Flyers by Fanout and Facebook page for details. See you on the Island soon.
2024 Commodore PC Rick Romatz
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