August Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes July11, 2024 Page 5 of 8
Fleet Update
Shelly provided a brief overview on rendezvous’ status.
Landscaping Issues on the Island
Guest Member, Margaret Herr, presented the Board with an overv iew assessment of NCYC’s general landscaping and a recommendation for preserving and enhancing the Club’s landscape.
Philip Maniaci
Philip presented a brief report on various events.
Bill Frederiksen
The Clubhouse remains in good working order. General maintenance was performed throughout the month of June; nothing substantial to warrant noting here. My thanks to the membership for their diligence in identifying issues, informing me of the issues, and addressing the issues where they can.
John O’Leary
Harbor & Grounds
No report.
Shelley Sweier
Shelley provided a summary of various current membership matters.
Melissa Winkler
No report.
Mark Javery
Mark presented three Incident Reports for Board awareness. One such Report warranted following Board action: Motion: Christa Betts to propose a certain member receive a letter from the Board regarding inappropriate behavior. Second: Shelley Sweier. Motion Carried
Shelly Schroka
Shelly provided an update on Bar operations.
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