August Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes July11, 2024 Page 8 of 8
4. Sandusky YC, Brian Robertson request for two day stay, one boat
Motion: Bill Frederiksen to approve request. Second: Philip Maniaci. Motion Carried
5. ABCC Request Poker Run Stop, 8/22, Sponsor Janis DeGregory
Motion: VC Burkhardt to approve request. Second: PC Fringer. Motion Carried
6. Paver Brick approval, PC Bauer, PC Denise Huntley & Tom
Motion: PC Fringer to approve request. Second: Bill Frederiksen. Motion Carried
7. Middle Bass YC request, Dinghy 7/16 Cocktail stop
Motion: VC Burkhardt to approve request. Second: Philip Maniaci. Motion Carried
Member of the Month
Motion: Christa Betts to propose Janet and Paul Briles. Second: Philip Maniaci. Motion Carried
Adjournment 9:53 p.m.
Motion: VC Burkhardt to adjourn. Second: PC Fringer. Motion Carried
Next Meeting
Date and Time: Thursday August 8, 2024, 7:00 p.m. Raymond James Office
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