From the Editor…
As we come to the end of 2014, I want to wish all the NCYC Membership a
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year!
Thank you to departing Commodore John Anderson and his wife Beverly, for
leading the club through such an outstanding 2014 boating season. It was my
pleasure to serve my first year as a Board of Director along side you both.
I welcome incoming 2015 Commodore Brian McEvoy and Renee, along with
Vice Commodore Chuck Stroh and Rear Commodore Pat Carroll. I look
forward to serving our club next year along side you.
With one full year behind me as Publications Director, I have learned many
new things about supporting our club. Members please continue to forward
any recommendations for improvements to the Beacon, Roster, or Club
Activities along to me for the coming next year.
Please look inside for the up and coming events, Commodore’s Ball, and
NCYC Ski/Snowmobile Weekend.
Brent Malik
Director, Publications
“see you in 2015…”