NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page2of 8
Commodore, JohnAnderson
Many thanks toall of you for aGREATCLUBopening. Itwas fantastic andone that I'll cherish formanyyears to come. Forme, and youaswell, thepace for doingClubbusiness should slow down considerably. We'veplannedand set things inmotionduring the first part of this year. Let's enjoy the fruitsof our efforts andhaveagood time the rest of this season. We still need toencourageadditionalmembership. That's something very important toour success andour ability to sustainwhat thisClubexpects fromus. We, all of us, have to showour leadership inparticipating inevents andactivitiesplanned. Pleaseencourage your friends to joinus for eventsor rendezvous' during the season. Itmakes it thatmuchmoreenjoyable for everyoneand compliments thosewhohaveworked sohard to showus somegoodentertainment. Let's try tokeepaheadsuponwhat ourmembershave to sayaboutNorthChannel. We'renot theonlyoneswanting to improve thewaywedo things. I'll bet there's a lot of good ideasout there. We just need to listen. Wehadagreat openingweekendanda touching flag raising ceremony, followedbya full harbor for theABYA SpringDinnerDance. Itwas agreat turnout and verybeneficial toNCYC. I would like to thankABYA for their attendanceand look forward tohosting theevent againnext year. Aswehead into theheart of the summer, let'smake surewekeepaneyeonour budgets. It is important to staywithinour budget inall areas, but it is also importantwe completeasmany items aspossible to keepupon themaintenanceof our beautiful clubhouse andgrounds. It isour duty topromote continuous improvements,making surewedo everythingwe can topreservewhatwehaveandmake it bettermoving forward. With that being said, oneareaweneed to look for improvement isour current PAand speaker system. Everyyearwe seem to run intoproblemswithour sound system. This year onceagain wehadmemberswho complained they couldnot hear at theGeneralMembershipMeeting, andat the FlagRaisingCeremony. Themicrophone kept cuttingout. Iwould like to suggestwe takea lookat correcting this systemonceand for all. Iwill gather informationandget some ideas from themembershipandbring this informationbackat a futureboardmeeting. Another areaof concern is thedock runningaroundour island. Wehadamember tripand fall on thedockonopeningweekendalong thewalkwaynear theBoatique. This area iswhere the deckboards aremountedover the cementwalkwayandeveryyear seem to "buckle" and come loose. We should look into redoing this areawithPVCdecking thatwill notwarpor patio bricks. Vice-Commodore’sComments: ViceCommodore, BrianMcEvoy
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