NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page3of 8
Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh
Wehadagreat start to the year. Everyone seemed tohaveagreat time. The FlagRaising Ceremonywas averyhumblingexperience. It isdifferent beingon theFlagandparticipating in that ceremony. Itwas a lot of funbeing theODand thenmanaging the club for theweek. We hada lot of help tomake it allwork. Iwould recommend toanyonewhohasn'tmanaged to give it a try.
Financial Report
Treasurer, FrankCorcoran
Frank reviewed theDetail Report for themonthandhighlighted themajor portionsof the report. Therewas adiscussionheld. Frankalso reviewed the comparison from2013 to2014. The report showed that YTD revenuesof $167,000are just about evenwith the sameperiodas last year. A reviewof thebudget by classwas discussed. Frank introducedaneasierway for theboard to report theirmonthlyexpenses.
Motion: MovedbyPCHughVestal toapprove the financial report. SecondedbyVCBrian McEvoy.
Commodore JohnwelcomedGuest Peter Frame to themeeting
TheABYADinnerDanceat the clubhousewas agreat success. Itwas good for ABYAandNCYC. Therewere149dinners served. Wehad28boats that paiddockageand itwas agreat chance to showcaseourClub. Hatsoff theABYA!
Anemail fromWindsor Yacht Club requestinga rendezvous theweekendof June27,28,29. Theyare requesting5 to8boats. Motion: MovedbyPCDonVanover toallow this rendezvous. SecondedbyDonReiss. MotionCarried.
Anote fromABYACommodoreMatt Barrells thankingNCYC for hosting theABYADinnerDance.
KathleenMcKeownwrote to thank theboard for the flowers for her recent illness.
Dave Lockhart sent a letter concerningarticle II of our by-laws, pertaining to thepurposeof the Club is to foster activities inboatingactivities. Adiscussionwasheld. Davebrought upmany goodpoints and theboardwill discuss this at a futuremeeting.
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