NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page4of 8
Activities - BobCarnaghi PCRickand Jill Romatzdida fine jobonopeningweekend. We served154adult
dinners. With thebandand thedinnerwemade$350profit. KidsDay, hostedbyRCChuckand Sandy Stroh,will beon June14. June15-20will be LadiesWeek
PeteandPamPoirier requested tohave10-15boats from JeffersonBeachYacht Club to havea rendezvous at our islandon July25,26,27. Discussionheld. Motion: Movedby DonReiss toapprove theabove rendezvous. SecondedbyVCBrianMcEvoy. Motion Carried. Johnny Lega's is requesting tomakeNCYC the first stop for their Poker Runon July19 from12:00 to1:00pm. Motion: MovedbyVCBrianMcEvoy toapprove theabove poker run stop. SecondedbyBobCarnaghi. MotionCarried. Clubhouse - RichGoodman Iwant to start by thankingChuckStroh for repairing the screens at the club housewhile hewasmanaging the club. Also toPCDonVanover for reworking the speakerwires. Rich suggested thatweput thenameof thosememberswhogoaboveandbeyond in theBeaconas away to recognizemembers. Itwas suggested thatweadopt a "High5" program tobeplaced in theBeacon. The clubhousewas sprayed for bugs, upstairs anddownstairs. Health Inspectorswill beout thisweek. The foodhandlers license isdisplayed. The floor in the kitchenby thedishwashing sink is inneedof repair. It has a temporary fixandwill be fixedpermanently in the fall. Harbor&Grounds –DonReiss Thewalkwayby theBoatique is fixed temporarily. Thepermanent fixwill happen in the fall. Adiscussionwasheldon replacing thewalkwaywith compositeor paver brick. A decisionwill bemadeat a futuremeeting. Donmentioned that theSafetyOfficer requested that a ladder beplacedat the mainland Findock. Hedidnotwant toput anewone therebecauseof possible theft. Hewill useanoldone thatwehaveon the island.
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