NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page7of 8
The screens in the clubhousewere repairedor replaced. The screens for the patio are repaired. The companywants us topick themup and install themourselves. There is some concernabout getting the screens to the island andnot knowinghow to install them. DonReiss is still in contactwith the company.
Topic #1 Amember requested thatwe install a refrigerator upstairs toholdmembers medicines and special food. Adiscussionwasheldand itwasdecided that any medications canbe stored in themanagers apartment refrigerator.
Member of theMonth: Motion: Moved by RC Chuck Stroh to nominate Diane French as Member of the Month for themonthof June. SecondedbyPCDonVanover. RC Chuck Stroh to write thearticle. MotionCarried. Goodof theOrder: PCHughVestal stated that the language at thebar is gettingout of hand. Theprofanity at the bar is drivingmembers out of the bar at night. There is also a lot of complaints about the loudmusic at night. Remember that all members should be respected. The OD has the final say on the volume of the music. Also, members should remember that theyare responsible for their ownmess and that of their guests. These issues will be brought to theRulesCommittee for review. RC Chuck and Sandy Stroh are talking to several people as well as the kids in the kids room to get some ideas of what they would like to see in there to make it more attractive for the kids. Thegames are old and need to be changed or fixed. Discussion followed. Pat Carroll talked about an orientation for newmembers on the rules of the club. Also anorientation forweekendOD's andweekmanagers. Discussion followed. Thiswill be discussedagainat a futuremeeting. Ian indicated that there is a garbage problem on the island. Don Reiss stated that he ordered a larger dumpster. He said that a big problemwith the dumpster is that the cardboard boxes need to be broken down to make more room in the dumpster. Pat suggested we look into selling our cardboard. Research will be done on the recycle of the cardboard.
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