NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page8of 8
BrianMalik led adiscussionon the sound system. Brianhas access toanew system that is still in the box that would serve our needs. Motion: Moved by Bob Carnaghi to purchase this system for $500. SecondedbyVCBrianMcEvoy. MotionCarried. PC Ken Smith will be leaving his duty of taking all of the receipts for the week and weekend proceeds. PC Hugh Vestal would like to see this process automated. A discussion was held about how to automate it. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
Adjournment MOTION: MovedbyPat Carroll toadjourn themeeting. SecondedbyBobCarnaghi. MotionCarried.
Meetingadjourned at 10:31pm
NextMeeting July8, 2014at 7:00pm. Location: Crews Inn
SueReiss BoardRecorder
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