It’s finally uponus, theBoater’sTime of Year! Highwater, sunny skies and temperaturesabove theperspirationpoint. You can still get a caseof the ‘BlueLips’ with staying in thewater abit too longbut I’m sure that will comearound toogivenanothermonthor so. Kudos toR/CChuckandSandi Stroh formakingmea believer in the Easter Bunny. Thesehard-workingmembershostedKid’sDay this year for NCYCanddida fantastic jobof it! I was almost resigned to not havingaKid’s program this year. Once somethinggoesby the wayside, it’s very hard to re-establish. Thank youChuck andSandi formakingmy dream come trueaswell as bringingsmiles to those young, bright faces that came to join in thisEvent.
Another happeningat theClub recentlywas one cloaked indarknessand secrecy. One that had limitedaccess to it anda sinister tone to thosewho inquiredwithout having theproper physical credentialsnecessary to join. Ah yes, wherewasEEOCwhen youneeded them?Of course I’m talkingof theannual LadiesWeek takingplaceat NCYC. I understand that it was a resounding successandall attending thoroughlyenjoyed themselves. Thank you CommodoressBeverly, KaySmith, LindaBurris, RaeAnnWhyardandYvonneMurray are onlya few ingiving their timeandenergy to secureaweek of relaxationandcomfort to the hard-working ladiesof NorthChannel. This is all onlyhearsay,mind you. I didn’t have the credentials to attendeither. TheFourthof July is fast-approachingand I hope that whatever youplanondoing, be safe andhaveanenjoyableHoliday. If I don’t see youon the Island, enjoy your familiesand friends and the celebrationof our country’s Independence. Let us not forget that somany of our young menandwomenare investing somuchof their lives toensure thiswonderful life that we are blessedwith. As this year unfolds,many of our Clubactivitiesare comingup for us toenjoy.Most recent is theNorthChannel Downs hostedby theAncientMariners.What these folks havedonewith this activity is phenomenal! Thehugedent that they put in thedebt is something that a thank you is just not sufficient. I would like to seeall of you therenot only for the fun-time it presents but thegreat cause it supportsas a result of it.We’re startingour ClubRendezvous thismonth thanks to thehardwork of Fleet Captain IanBlackburnandMariePepin. Please join inwith someof these. IanandMariehaveput a lot of time andeffort in theplanningand I’m sure the great timeswill followbecauseof it. July andBoatinggohand-in-handandwith that visitors coming toNCYC abound. ThismonthAll PointsYC, JeffersonBeachYCandPut-In-BayYC will be stopping inwithWindsor YC just having left at theendof June.We’vealso invited Poker Run stops by JohnnieLega’sandWertzWarriors. I’mproudof showingour Cluboff to these visitors and they, in turn, appreciateour hospitality.Our Boardof Directors hasbeen attentive inplanningandapproving these invitations soas to not infringeuponour membership’senjoyment of theCluband its facilities.
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