I have tomake specialmentionof a recent weekend that I was in attendanceat theClub. The weekendwas that of June27and theODwasP/C JohnandShellyDickson. Theweather that Friday eveningwas gorgeouswith sunny skies and light breeze.Windsor Yacht Clubwas in to visit withabout 20boats. P/C Johndidaphenomenal job inguidingboat traffic to appropriate wells to tie-up for theweekendat the same time keeping inmind theneedsof our own members and their desire for well space.With agoodamount of Guests aswell asMembers, theClubwas happy… theBoaterswerehappyandP/C JohnasClubManagerwas happy. Unexpectedly,DNRwasn’t. A controlled (?) burnwas in theworks onDickenson Island. Disastrous consequenceswere soon to follow this ‘controlledaction’. In theend, a thick layer of ash soonenveloped theClubhouse, Islandgrounds, BoatsandHarbors. In trying to find tools to start a cleanupof thismess, I discoveredP/CJohnalreadyhardat work clearingash fromBoats,Walkways andClubhouseareas filledwith thismess. Betweenmanaging theClub, directingour Visitors anddealingwith this disaster I wanted tomakementionof theseefforts that went far beyondanythingexpected. P/C John, thank you for your efforts and concern for thisClubof ours. ThankYou!
So, don’t bea stranger… comeout andenjoy this IslandParadise that weall Enjoy!
Let TheGoodTimesRoll,
JohnAnderson NCYCCommodore2014
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