TheNCYC season is now in full swing. Sandi and I, theStroh clan, and somany helpers, put on the years “KidsDay” event. And yes I showSandi’sname first for a reason, shewas themastermind behind the event.We cannow relax and look forward to enjoying the other upcoming events.We hada great turnout and tremendous support andgenerosity from sooooooooomanymembers to ensure theevent’ssuccess, thank youall!!! If youhad conflictingplansandwerenot able toattend, I canassure you that youmissedagreat day loadedwith fun for the kids. I even saw some that were slightlyolder than kids havingagreat time as well.
Pleasebe sure to show your support, providehelp, andor participate in the fleet andother events scheduledon the island. The experienceof involvement will further your enjoyment of the club.
Let’s hope that the summer weather patternbrings sunandheat to all of theweekends that remain.
See you soon,
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