I hopeeveryone is enjoying their summer andgettingample opportunity togo boating.We havehadgreat weather for the weekendeventsat the club so far this year. We hadawonderful Kid’sDay. Thank youChuckandSandi and crew for a funday. We hadagreat timewith the incoming rendezvousgroup from Windsor Yacht Club, even thoughwehadash fallingon theboats all night Friday thanks to theDNR “controlledburn” onDickinson Island.ODP/C JohnDicksonquickly firedup theblower and cleared thedebrisoff of our guests’ boats. Thanks JD for showing theNCYChospitality.
During theweekendWYCwas here, and throughout the season, I havenoticedmany member boatsnot flying theNCYC burgee.Withmanynewmembers this year and last, it is important thatmembersboats canbe identifiedby theOD. Let’s encourageanyonenot displaying their burgee to pleasedo so in the future. Please remember theWeekManager orWeekendOD is in chargeof the Island. Compliance of all ClubPolicy is charged to eachmember. Nomember shouldbebehind thebar or running the fin runnerwithout permission from theWeekManager orWeekendOD. The time is coming for nominations for the2015Boardof Directors andRear Commodore. Please consider taking thenext step, it is truly a rewardingexperience. I wouldbehappy to answer anyquestions youmay haveabout servingon theBoard. We have several events coming up. Your participation is encouraged. It’s your club, take advantageof all theopportunities toenjoy it. TheAncientMarinersHorseRacesare July 12 th , and theClub IslandRendezvous is July 18-20.
Havea great summer.
See youon the Island.
BrianMcEvoy - ViceCommodore
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