I hope you enjoyed the video that opened when you clicked or tapped the cover for this months Beacon. As always there are so many events coming up in the Club and there are Flyers for all of them here for you to make your arrangements. We'll see you soon. Blue Skies, Following Seas, Ron
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Time is sure flying by and June was filled with fun events; despite the rainy start. Kicking it off with the ABYA Spring Dinner Dance, being well attended by NCYC members. Followed by the Rendezvous at Milliken, hosted by our Fleet Captains who call Detroit their back yard. It is truly amazing how much Leslie and Patty know about Detroit. They made great tour guides as we pedaled from Corktown to the Eastern Market and back, hitting a few local pubs along the way. I can’t wait to see what they have planned for the next Rendezvous! Back at the island the following weekend was the annual Big Smoke along with an exquisite scotch and wine selection. This event is sure catching on as the attendance was the best yet. The evening finished with Steak and Lobster Dinner -- a meal to remember, the steak and lobster tails were cooked to perfection! The ladies took the island by storm on Sunday and did “lady things” for a week. I don’t know exactly what took place as what happens on ladies week, stays on ladies week, but I can tell you that I heard everyone had a great time. Once Ladies week was over, it was time for the next boating generation to have a little fun. Kids day was so much fun, and I am sure the little ones slept well that night!!! I know from my perspective that the best event was “Pie the Flag”, I think I will stay away from whip cream for a while!
Although you can summarize the June events in a few short paragraphs, the success of the events proves how much preparation and effort went into them! I would like to thank everyone involved for your time and commitment. July will be filled with things to do as well -- the Fourth of July picnic, a visit from Jolly Saint Nick, a Rendezvous at DYC and the Commodores cruise. Please try to attend some if not all the events we have planned. A reminder about guests that members invite to the island: They are required to register and obtain a docking pass (regardless of length of stay) at the Club House immediately after docking. A no-charge designated Day Pass will be issued (regardless of length of stay) and must be visibly displayed on the boat at all times. Overnight dockage will be charged to any non-members boat occupying a well after 7:00 P.M. Non-members will receive a designated overnight docking pass to be visibly displayed on their boat. If a guest does not pay their dockage, then the sponsoring Member as noted on the guest sign in log will be billed for that expense. See you on the Island, Commodore Ian
What a month June was. So many activities, something for everyone. A big thank you to all of you and your committees who organized and worked so hard to make NCYC shine once again. After the Memorial Day service there was a lot of interest and questions about the Cadets that serve on the Pride of Michigan, so over the next few months I will dedicate part of my monthly article to them. I am an instructor in the Great Lakes Division of the United States Naval Sea Cadet program and the relief Captain on the research/training vessel the Pride of Michigan. At the request of the Department of the Navy, the Navy League of the United States established the USNSCC in 1958 and later federally incorporated September 10, 1962, to create a favorable image of the Navy on the part of American youth. The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps is a congressionally - chartered, U.S. Navy based organization that serves to teach individuals about the sea going military services, U.S. naval operations and training, community service, citizenship and an understanding of discipline and teamwork. The USNSCC is made up of two programs – the senior program for cadets age 13 through the age of 18 and the Navy League Cadet Corps for young people ages 10 through 13.
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With approximately 400 units and over 12000 members nation wide the Great Lakes Division is the only division, currently, that operates a research and training vessel giving our cadets a hands-on real-life experience. The Great Lakes Division begins a nine-day training program starting July 6th which will take the cadets to Lake Huron for advance dive training. I will report back to you in my August article about our adventures.
Regards, V/C Bill
The NCYC season is officially in full swing - hard to believe it is July already! June was a very busy month, packed with extraordinarily successful events. Thanks to R/C Randy Pagel and Linda for hosting the ABYA Dinner Dance. I unfortunately was out of town and not able to attend, but understand it was well attended as always. Our Fleet Captains Leslie Leitch and Patty Mok did an outstanding job hosting our first rendezvous in Detroit at Milliken Harbor. The bike tour was a great idea - really fun…even with the breakdown! It is amazing and heartwarming to witness the rebirth of the city. I did not think I would see it happen in my lifetime. Don Ruma did a great job hosted his always well organized "Big Smoke" event and P/C Brian McEvoy hosted his very popular Surf & Turf dinner. Everyone be aware the Surf & Turf dinner sells out early - unfortunately I learned that myself this year. Thanks to Dianne Martin for hosting Ladies week. All the ladies have been suspiciously quiet on the details - must have had way too much fun! Huge thank you to Janet VanDeWinkle for organizing and hosting Kid's Weekend. The weather was awesome and all the kids had a great time. Really nice to see so many people enjoying our Club. I also want to mention Lou Garofalo did a great job handling the OD responsibilities on Kid's Weekend. It is one of the busier and more difficult weekends to manage. Please let Lou know you appreciate the extra work and dedication.
A side note about weekend work schedules: All members must pay attention to their work weekend obligations, particularly communications from the OD about the schedule details. The OD task is already difficult and tiring without the added work and stress of no-shows. We all realize there are times where disruptions and emergencies take priority, but please be courteous to your OD and communicate early and often if something prevents you from keeping your appointed work schedule. See you all at the Club! Glenn Nixon Rear Commodore North Channel Yacht Club
Thoughts From Acting NCYC Chaplain Greg Murray
Photo Pending
“Remember with me that all our days are one in a lifetime day. Let’s live it, beautifully, gratefully, and passionately. Today I choose Grace over impatience, laughter over worry, and beauty over negativity. I hope you will join me in this thought” First and foremost It will be hard to fill in as acting Chaplain for Art Brooks, I will always remember him to be a disciple, to witness and touch us in a way of taking care of all the needs of God’s Elect here at NCYC. I can only hope to be of some value to this great yacht club as Art was to NCYC. “May God Bless Susan Brooks and her immediate family, and may the families of the NCYC support you always” Since our last newsletter, Diane French’s brother Frederick E. Jasmund passed away on May 24 th 2019 unexpectedly while in Pennsylvania at age 73. All of us who knew him will surely miss his smile and cander. Please support Diane and her family while coping with her loss. May we reach out and pray for these families, and if you would like, I am sure it would be a blessing to them if you could send a card of condolence to remind them you are thinking of them.
A MESSAGE FROM THE GREAT I AM PUT YOUR HOPE IN ME and MY UNFAILING LOVE will rest upon you. Some of my children have forgotten how to Hope . They have been disappointed so many times by so many people that they don’t want to risk being let down by someone again. So they forge ahead stoically-living trying to solve their daily troubles and tribulations. Other people put their hope in problem solving medical treatments, the stock market, the lottery, and so on. But I challenge you to place your Hope Fully In Me , I Personally No matter what is happening in your life now, your story has an Amazingly Happy Ending. Though the way ahead may look dark to you, there is a brilliant, Everlasting Light at the end of your earthly journey. My Finished W ork on the Cross secured this Heavenly Hope for you, And it is Absolutely Guaranteed. Moreover, knowing that your story finishes well can fill your present journey with Joy. The more you put your Hope in Me, The more My Love-Light Shines upon you —brightening your day. Remember that I am with you continually, and I Myself Am your Hope!!! Author of Jesus Calling --- Sarah Young Scripture Readings A faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time. ---- Titus1:2 Know You Better Than You Know Yourself. Trust Me I Do Not Have The Ability To Lie.
May God Bless All The Members Of The NCYC Yacht Club!!! We Are Abundantly Blessed To Bless Others Abundantly!!!!
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There were 40 people at the June Luncheon.
The July Luncheon will be at the club on Thursday, July 18th, 2019 at 1:00 P.M. Please Bring a dish to pass. The August Luncheon will be at the club on August 15th, 2019.
Fair Winds and Calm Seas Archie Archibald Ancient Mariners President.
Hdburris@sbcglobal.net Harley Email Click Here
Shelley Sweier, President
Colleen Braun, Vice President
Kim Scicluna, Treasurer
Norma Frame, Recording Secretary
Ellen Alcazar, Corresponding Secretary
Colleen Hall, Membership Director
Dianne Corcoran, Social Director
Jill Romatz, Boatique Director
Linda Lutz, Publicity
Josette Campbell, Past President
Hi Ladies:
Ladies week was a lot of fun as always with great food, fun and activities. Thank you to all that volunteered and helped to make it such a success. Children’s day was a huge success thanks to Janet Vanderwinkle and her team of helpers. The day couldn’t have gone better! Thanks again to all that had anything to do with making kid’s day so special. There were so many generous donations and great prizes! The First Mates 2019 Labor Day dinner “Southern Hospitality” will be on Sunday, September 1 st . Reservations should be sent to Colleen Braun by August 24 th . Please check the Beacon for further details. Please remember to participate in our 2019 community charitable project to support “Vets Returning Home.” The project donation box is in the clubhouse and donations will be accepted throughout the boating season.
Don’t forget to head on over to the Boatique and do some shopping!
Respectfully, Linda Lutz 2019 First Mates Publicity Director
Attention NCYC First Mates It’s time to elect our 2020 Board of Directors We are seeking candidates for the following positions: Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary If you are interested in running for any of these positions or need additional information, please contacting a member of the nominating committee. We will also be contacting members via phone. This is a great opportunity to get more involved in the Club. Thank you for your consideration,
Linda Pagel, Chairperson 586-242-0524
Cathy Jarvis 248-227-7151 Sandi Stroh 586-321-0513
Linda Burris 586-482-5394
NORTH CHANNEL YACHT CLUB FIRST MATES 2019 COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT “VETS RETURNING HOME” A great big THANK YOU to our members that have already donated to this wonderful organization. We have an updated list of items below that are needed.
Updated items currently needed are: Sugar Powdered cream Coffee – No pods or K-Cups, please Water – cases Koolaid – all flavors Iced tea Smart bus pass Gift cards – such as Costco, McDonald’s, Subway, Panera, Tim Hortons, etc. Cash donations are also welcome and can be given to any member of the First Mates Board of Directors Please contact Kim Scicluna at 586-944-8153 or Sandy Bower, 586-285-5606, Founder and Volunteer Director, for additional information.
WHEN: Tuesday, December 3, 6:00 pm WHERE: DAFRANCESCO’s 49521 Van Dyke Shelby Township, MI
Reservations taken by Diane French: 586-243-7039; Frenchdf77@yahoo.com
More details to follow
On M-59 in HIGHLAND On M-59 in WATERFORD On M-59 in HIGHLAND On M-59 in WHITE LAKE Just off I-75 in HOLLY
NCYC Membership
Commodore Ian Blackburn
Commodore Past Randy Pagel
Commodore Vice Bill Calihan
Commodore Rear
Nixon Glenn
Darryl Transportation Campbell
Fleet Captain
Grounds Harbor & Tom Altobelli
John Clubhouse Sweier
Patty Mok Leslie Leitch
Brian Fringer
Tom Huntley
Ron Draper
Dale Hall
Frank Corcoran
Debbie Siwek
Committee Insurance Chairman P/C Tom McHugh
Committee Finance
Procedures Guidelines & Committee P/C Rick Romatz
Planning Forward Committee R/C Glenn
Committee Reserve Fund P/C Randy
Committee Nominating P/C Pat
Committee By Laws Frank Corcoran
P/C Paul Jarvis
Brian Fringer
Janet Chairman Kids Day Vandewinkle
Peter Frame Arms Sergeant-at-
Terry Officer Safety
Recorder Board
Leslie Leitch Master Harbor
Ann Malik Sue Mile Surgeons Fleet
Kevin Erin Rae Directors Youth
Co. LLC Bultynck &
Brian Roath
Art Brooks
NCYC Photographer Membership
Major Sargent
Pins Burgees & Judy McHugh Manager
Delegate ABYA
Manager Clubhouse
IT Officer
P/C Randy Pagel
P/C Bill Hendricks
P/C Scott Bell
Ron Braun
2019 O.D. and Weekend Work Schedule If you cannot work your scheduled weekend, it is your responsibility to find a replacement
NCYC Rendezvous
Big Smoke/ Surf & Turf
Fitting Out
GM Meeting May 24-27 T. Huntley
Dinner Dance May 31-June 2
Milliken June 7-9
Weekend June 21-23 L. Garofalo
June 14-16 P/C Watson
P/C Pagel
D. Duvernay
Al Herr
8 Steve Murray 8 Bill Burkhardt
16 Don Shepperson 16 P/C Jim Angers
16 P/C Edgar Atnip
8 Dave Lockhart 8 Bob Carnaghi 16 Don Carnaghi
16 16 16 16 16
P/C William Bauer Nancy Thomas Melissa Winkler
16 Mike Riehl
16 Ron Kemp
8 Lee Angers
16 Mark Rathbone 16 Tim Idzikowski 16 Keith McGregor
16 Dave Gronbach 16 Jay Gronbach 16 Steve Scarpaci 8 Joe DeQuick 16 Kevin Verkest 16 Victoria Verkest 16 Nikki Werner
8 Whitney Angers
16 Ron Currie
Bryan Kenzie
16 Dennis Biel 16 Jordan Biel 8 Scott Oliver 16 Rex Oliver
16 Andrew Herzig 16 Aaron Garofalo 16 Joel Garofalo 16 Everitt Lancaster
Roman Kolodchin P/C Harley Burris
16 Samantha Richardson 16 P/C John Dickson
8 8
Vince Day
8 Gilbert Palmer 16 Mark Busch
16 16 16
John DeQuick
16 Danielle Biel-Grabenstein
16 David Lozon
Russell Greenfelder
Thomas Rathbone
David Remusat
16 Vinnie Scarpaci (Junior) 16 Breanna Scarpaci (Junior) 16 Lexi Verkest (Junior)
8 8 8
Janice Saur Jerry Krist
Andrea Grennan
Ancient Mariner's
Concert Night
Kids Movie Night
Labor Day Weekend
Euchre Tournament/ Wine Tasting
Fund Raiser
Irish Pub Party
Poker Run
GM Meeting
Aug 2-4 C. Braun
Aug 9-11
Aug 16-18
Aug 23-25 V/C Calihan
Aug 30-Sept 2
P/C McEvoy
D. Campbell
J. Sweier
Michael May
16 Jeff Edgerly 16 Chris McEvoy 8 Andy McEvoy 16 Russ Adams 16 JimMile 16 Ted Marini 16 Brian Malik 16 Larry Malik 16 Greg Criner
16 Janis DeGregory 16 Tim Zarzycki 8 Hytham Aljida 16 Terry Steinmacher 8 Mike Wonderly 16 Brian Michel 16 Dean Michel 16 Daniel Aitken 16 Michael Kelly 16 Tony Ellul
16 Mike DeNeve 16 P/C Ed McIntyre
16 James Lutz
Gerry Gostomski P/C Harley Burris Chris Morisette
8 Cathy D'Andrea 16 Debra Jacott 16 Leslie Leitch 16 Tony Simion 8 Tom Lisowski 16 Ken Lipowski
8 8
16 Otto Isbill
16 Frank Zrepskey 16 Ron LaRaia 16 Dave White 16 Mike Napior 8 Caitlin Calihan 8 McKenzie Calihan
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8
Kevin Rae
Al Vercnocke Douglas Betts
Tom Loy
8 John Vandenbossche
Larry Aliotta
8 Arlene Scarpace
Brent Malik Lauren Malik
16 Dave Klicki
16 Charlie Cook 8 James Butler
Scott Bell
Alexa Cook Anna Cook
Patrick Hughes
2019 O.D. and Weekend Work Schedule If you cannot work your scheduled weekend, it is your responsibility to find a replacement
July 4th
NCYC Rendezvous
Movie Night June 28-30 P/C McHugh
Holiday July 5-7
Movie Night July 12-14 C. Penzien
Float Down July 19-21
July 26-28 B. Fringer
F. Corcoran
D. Hall
Ron Latowski
16 Roger Odette 16 Gerry Piccinin 16 Greg Brigman 16 Brian Roath 16 Dan Coburn 16 Dennis Alcazar 16 Austin Brigman
16 Dennis Pomeroy 16 Greg Shalagan 16 John Mantyk 16 Scott Goemmel 16 Tony Trocki 16 Brett Gatti 8 Tim Grennan 16 John Smyth
16 P/C Don Vanover 16 Greg Smith 16 Mike Davis 16 Gary Jialanella 16 Len Piecuch
16 Bob Fringer
Terry Hart Pete Poirier Paul Kelton Rick Rzesut Dave Pelletier Ashley Pelletier Anthony McHugh
16 P/C John Anderson
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
16 John Wyss
16 Rodney Soenen 16 Scott Greenfelder
16 Al Douglas 16 Diane French 16 David Koch
16 Bert Skibinski
8 Bill Rose
16 Thomas Adamowski
8 Tim O'Brien 8 James Hogan
P/C Hugh Vestal
P/C Pat Carroll
8 Jeff Bradford 16 Mike Bradford
Ben Carroll
John Zych
NCYC Rendezvous
CMDR's Fishing
Smoke on the Water
Derby & Fish Fry
Rib Cookoff
Island Time
GM Meeting
Sept 6-8 D. Siwek
Sept 13-15 R/C Nixon
Sept 20-22 P/C Romatz
Sept 27-29 R. Draper
Oct 4-6
T. Altobelli
TomMartin Al Durand
8 Bill Edens
16 JimWunderlich 16 P/C Bill Hendricks
8 Pat Sullivan 8 Jim Biewer 8 Steve Popkie
16 Jim Schebil 16 Mark Schoen 16 Bob Breuhan 16 Greg Murray 16 Bob Swatosh 16 Rocky Richards 16 Scott Stay 16 Steve Tampa 16 Greg Wojtalik
16 Steve Marten 8 Don Allar 16 Dave Hines 8 David Koch 8 Kim Scicluna 8 Peter Frame 16 KimMiedema 16 P/C Chuck Stroh 16 James Gierlach
16 16
Thurston Dean
16 Ed Romatz
Mike Linden Bob Marin
8 Robert Mann 8 Tom Powers 16 Shelby Romatz 16 Chris Strzyzewski 16 Michelle Strozeski 16 Philip Maniaci 8 Bill Frederiksen 16 Debra Quinn
16 Janet Van DeWinkle
16 John Tucker 8 Don Ruma
16 16 16 16 16 16
Samantha DeGregory
John Hickey Bob Buwalda Glen Wagner Jeffrey Rose
16 Katherina Hickey 16 Mark Snethkamp
16 Mike Oliver
16 16 16
Timothy Mazurek
Rebekah Pawelczyk
8 Steve Criner
Steve Kuhr
Rick Brown
Casimer Klapec Brendan Romatz
8 8
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Weekday Managers and Teams 2019
John & Bev Anderson
Colleen & Ron Braun, John & Shelley Sweier, Harley & Linda Burris, Bob & Patty Watson
May 19-24
Tony & Sharon Simion
May 27-31 Darryl & Josette Campbell
June 2-7 June 9-14 June 16-31
Kim & Tony Scicluna
Jerry Krist & Irene Martin, Brigida & Pat Sullivan
Diane Marten & Marie Pepin
June 23-28 June 30-July5
Bob & Brian Freiger Colleen & Ron Braun
Dennis & Janet Pomeroy
Tim Grennan & Paul & Cathy Jarvis
July 7-12
Nicole & Scott Greenfelder
July 14-19 Leslie Leitch & Patty Mok July 21-26 Frank & Diane Corcoran
John & Shelly Sweier
July 28-Aug 2 Aug 4-9
Ken & Kay Smith
Harley & Linda Burris
Aug 11-16 Aug 18-23 Aug 25-30 Sept 2-6 Sept 8-13 Sept 15-20 Sept 22-27
John & Shelley Sweier
Ron & Collleen Braun
Pagel/Kemp Gary Barnard
Hugh Vestel & Bob Marin
Pat & Russ Adams
Jim & Sue Mile
Steve & Diane Marten Glen & Shelia Nixon
Ron & Jeanine Kemp
Nixon Team
Tony Ellul & Roman Kolodchin Any Questions, Please call Ron Braun 586-306-3531, 586-242-9698 or Email CRBRAUN10@COMCAST.NET
Sept 29-Oct 4 Tom & Judy McHugh
North Channel Yacht Club 2019 Calendar of Events January 19 Commodore’s Ball March 8 – 10 ABYA Spring Rendezvous Midland March 10 Blessing of the Fleet at Mariner’s Church April 13 Elite Brigade April 20 Elite Brigade April 27 Elite Brigade May 4 Elite Brigade May 5 First Mates Fashion Show May 11 First Spring Work Party May 18 Second Spring Work Party May 24 – 27
Opening Weekend Fitting Out (OD: Tom Huntley) 24 - Kids Movie Night 25 - First Mates Patio Party OD & Weekday Manager Meeting General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Pig Roast Dinner – 6:00 PM 26 - Pride of Michigan Flag Raising Ceremony 1:00 PM Complimentary Luncheon following Ceremony Father Steve Blessing of the Fleet 3:00 PM ABYA Dinner Dance (OD: P/C Pagel) RENDEZVOUS Milliken (OD: Dave DuVernay) Big Smoke (Scotch & Cigars) (OD: P/C Bob Watson) Surf & Turf
May 31- June 2
June 7 – 9
June 14 – 16
June 16 – 21 Ladies Week (Week Manager: Diane Marten) June 21 -23 Kid’s Weekend (OD: Lou Garofalo) June 27 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB June 28 – 30 OPEN (OD: P/C Tom McHugh) 29 - Kids Movie Night July 5- 7 Fourth of July Celebration (OD: Frank Corcoran) July 12 – 14 OPEN (OD: Chuck Penzien) 13 - Kids Movie Night JULY 18 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB
North Channel Yacht Club 2019 Calendar of Events
July 19 – 21
Float Down (OD: Dale Hall)
July 26 – 28 RENDEZVOUS DYC (OD: Brian Fringer) July 29 – Aug 2 Commodore Cruise – Lake Erie August 2 – 4
Ancient Mariners Fundraiser (OD: Colleen Braun) Irish Pub Party (OD: P/C Brian McEvoy) ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB
August 9 – 11 AUGUST 15 August 16 – 18
16- Concert (OD: Darryl Campbell) 17- Poker Run
August 23 – 25 Euchre Tournament (OD: V/C Bill Calihan) Wine Tasting 24 - Kids Movie Night August 30 – Sept. 2 Labor Day Weekend (OD: John Sweier) 31 - General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Meet the Candidates P/C Beer Bust after Meeting hot dogs/hamburgers 31 - Kids Movie Night 1 - First Mates Dinner September 6 – 8 RENDEZVOUS Lexington (OD: Debbie Siwek) September 9 ABYA GMM First Mates Dinner September 13 – 15 Commodore’s Fishing Derby & Fish Fry (OD: R/C Glenn Nixon) SEPTEMBER 19 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB September 20 – 22 SMOKE ON THE WATER BBQ COOK OFF (OD: P/C Rick Romatz) September 27 – 29 OPEN (OD: Ron Draper) October 4 – 6 Haul Out Weekend (OD: Tom Altobelli) 5 - General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM 5 - Haul Out Dinner 6 - First Mates Haul Out Breakfast October 12 Fall Work Party October 19 Fall Work Party
North Channel Yacht Club 2019 Flag Officers and Board of Directors Ian Blackburn 519-816-0417 blackburn.id@gmail.com
Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Past Commodore
Bill Calihan Glenn Nixon Randy Pagel Brian Fringer Frank Corcoran Tom Huntley John Sweier Debbie Siwek Ron Draper Darryl Campbell Leslie Leitch Brian Roath Dale Hall
702-306-4765 wmcalihan@aol.com
810-343-7178 randy.pagel@bumlermech.com 734-309-1069 bfringer@painterssupply.com 248-709-9224 fjcorcoran@gmail.com 248-379-1399 t5104js@gmail.com 586-909-1684 ridinhigh350@yahoo.com 586-917-5767 debbie.siwek@yahoo.com 586-201-4099 bearhooks@comcast.net 586-899-1443 canamca@sbcglobal.net 810-278-2443 csports9@comcast.net 810-533-0535 leslie.leitch@att.net 248-766-3388 roathpb@gmail.com 248-373-7353 tom@dustopper.com
Treasurer Secretary Activities Club House Membership Publications
Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli
Transportation Fleet Captain Board Recorder
Meeting dates: January 10, 2019 February 14, 2019 March 14, 2019 April 11, 2019 May 9, 2019 May 25, 2019 June 13, 2019 July 11, 2019 August 8, 2019 August 31, 2019 September 12, 2019 October 5, 2019 October 10, 2019 November 14, 2019 December 12, 2019
Rosie O’Grady’s
7:00 Meeting
Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting
1:00 Meeting
Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting
1:00 Meeting
Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting
1:00 Meeting
Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting Rosie O’Grady’s 7:00 Meeting
BOD/XMAS Rosie O’Grady’s 6:30 Meeting/ 7:30 Dinner BOD Meeting Location: Rosie O’Grady’s 30400 23 Mile Rd, Chesterfield, MI 48047
NCYC 2019 Appointments and Committees Fleet Captain- Leslie Leitch and Patty Mok Board Recorder- Brian Roath Commodore’s Sign- Kevin Verkest Incoming Rendezvous’ – Leslie Leitch Acting Chaplain – Greg Murray Sergeant-At-Arms- Peter Frame Club House Manager- Ron Braun IT Officer- P/C Bill Hendricks Safety Officer- Terry Steinmacher Photographer- Membership Fleet Surgeon- Sue Mile & Anne Malik Youth Director – Kevin & Erin Rae Kids day Chair- Janet Van De Winkle Historian – P/C Paul Jarvis Sergeant Major – P/C Scott Bell Mainland Wells/Winter Storage- Tim O’Brien Island Flowers – Bev Shoen and Janet Van De Winkle Burgees/Flags/Pins- Judy McHugh ABYA Delegate – P/C Randy Pagel Clubhouse Cleaner- Robin & Derick Zinyk Grounds Keeper- Tom Stackpoole Caterer- Tom Comford
Insurance Committee P/C Tom McHugh, Chairman P/C Bob Watson P/C Randy Pagel Anthony McHugh By Laws Committee Frank Corcoran, Chairman P/C Jim Angers P/C Rick Romatz P/C Tom McHugh (as Parliamentarian) Renee McEvoy V/C Bill Calihan
Cash Reserve Fund (Voted by Membership) P/C Randy Pagel, Chairman Bryan Kenzie 1 st year Brian Malik 2 nd year Mike Wonderly 3 rd year Guidelines & Polic P/C Rick Romatz, Chairman P/C Hugh Vestal P/C Tom McHugh P/C Brian McEvoy P/C Chuck Stroh P/C Harley Burris Larry Malik Art Brooks Cheryl Swatosh Forward Planning R/C Glenn Nixon, Chairman P/C Rick Romatz Brian Roath
Don Ruma Ben Carroll Tom Altobelli John Zych Finance Committee Brian Fringer, Chairman P/C Hugh Vestal Darryl Campbell Steve Marten Nominating Committee PC Pat Carroll, Chairman PC Brian McEvoy PC Bill Hendricks Diane French Carla Verkest Pat Adams
2019 Well Seniority List BY WELL
Well No. Name
Since 6/1/15
Since 1992 2003 2006
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Greg Criner Charles Herr
Charles Herr Bob Marin Bill Hendricks
Brian McEvoy 2008 Jeff Edgerly 2009
Ron Kemp
John Dickson
John Dickson 4/2/07
Terry Hart 4/26/11
Larry Malik
Lou Garofolo Bob Marin
2012 2003
Brian McEvoy 2008
Jeff Edgerly Terry Hart Mark Busch Lou Garofolo
Steve Marten 2013 Bill Hendricks 2006
4/26/11 5/10/11
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Brian Malik Larry Malik Ron Kemp
6/7/14 4/7/07 3/26/07
Steve Marten 2013 Ian Blackburn 4/3/14
Mark Busch 5/10/11
Brian Malik Brent Malik Greg Criner
6/7/14 4/29/15 6/1/15
Brent Malik
Ian Blackburn 4/3/14 Dave Gronbach 2016 Tom McHugh 4/29/19 Dennis Biel 4/30/19 Tom Altobelli 4/18/18
Dave Gronbach 2016
Tom Altobelli
19 20
Tom McHugh 4/29/19
Dennis Biel
(R ev. 4/30/19)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PC RANDY PAGEL (wells 2-6)
RC BILL CALIHAN (wells 2-6)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
KEVIN RAE (wells 2-6)
(Rev. 6/26/19)
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Must be a Member of the Club and at least 18 years old Pays $10.00/Hour Plus an Equal share of all tips for the night Currently seeking for: Labor Day Weekend August 30-Sept. 2 Haul Out October 4-6 All interested please contact NCYC Secretary Frank Corcoran Reply to: mailto:secretary@ncyconline.com?subject=Junior Bartenders
Center consoles, pontoons, jet boats. Dinghies allowed but may take longer to get to each stop. Try getting on a friend’s boat – will help docking boats at each location.
10:30 AM Registration & first card @ NCYC with specialty drink 11:15 AM Depart for 2 nd stop @ Dale & Colleen Hall’s (7378 Flamingo St.) 1:00 PM Depart for 3 rd stop @ the Raft Restaurant 2:45 PM Depart for 4 th stop @ Windmill Pointe Yacht Club 4:30 PM Return to NCYC for 5 th card Dinner & Band
AUGUST 16 th – 8 p.m. – Midnight $25.00 PER PERSON (for concert) $5.00 Nacho Plate (served at 10:00 p.m.)
RESERVATIONS: Jill Romatz- 586-265-7793- rromatz69@comcast.net Mail Check to: 28312 Emerald Ct. Chesterfield, MI 48047
E u c h r e T o u r n a m e n t
When: Saturday, August 24 th at 7PM (Check in begins at 6:30PM) Cost: $10 per person Quarters for Euchres and reneges Cash prizes for 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place Quarter prize pay out No Partners Required!!!!! Please bring an appetizer to share Registration: call or email Gary Jialanella by August 17 th (330) 256-3671 garyj450@yahoo.com
Friday, May 24th Saturday, June 29th Saturday, July 13th Saturday, August 24th Saturday, August 31st
We will be sending the movie title the week prior to the showing in a fan out.
Sponsored by the First Mates Hosted by Erin & Kevin Rae
Music by the
Saturday August 10th No reservation or cover charge to attend Donations will be accepted & late night snacks will be sold to cover the cost of the event
By-Laws, Board, Policy, and Traditions What are they, what’s the difference, why do we have them? Ron Draper NCYC Director, Publications June 1, 2019 By-Laws The By-Laws of the North Channel Yacht Club are a legal document, and exist primarily to define our Club as a single legal entity so it can relate to various private and government institutions and agencies. Secondarily, By-Laws provide a roadmap for our Club’s government, activities and actions. The By-Laws are a legally binding agreement between the Club and the Members and between the Club and other Institutions and Government agencies. By-Laws provide an outline for how our Club will operate as an organization. Our status as a Not for Profit Organization requires us to keep a record of them and abide by the provisions contained in them. The By-Laws ensure the Club is consistent in its governmental conduct and organization, even though the Officers and Directors change year to year. The By-Laws ensure next year’s Flag and Board will follow the same rules as this year’s Flag and Board. It would be appropriate to think of the By-Laws as compared to the Articles of Incorporation for a Corporation or the Charter of a City, or the Constitution of our Country. By-Laws can be amended; however, it requires a 2/3 Vote of the Membership and the amendment process is burdensome by design. Examples of private and government agencies with interest in our By-Laws: • The IRS is interested in certain aspects of the By-Laws to grant and maintain our Not for Profit tax status, see ARTICLE II. last phrase, among others. • The State of Michigan is interested in our organization’s By-Laws as it relates to the lease of Bottom Land to maintain our East Harbor. • The State of Michigan is interested in our organization’s By-Laws as it relates to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to maintain our MLCC Club License to sell alcohol. • Our Bank and Insurance Company are interested in our By-Laws as it relates to our ability to maintain bank accounts and insure our property. • St. Clair County Health Department is interested in our By-Laws as it relates to our maintaining a commercial kitchen and serving food for recompence. Without good By-Laws we couldn’t have any of these things. Interestingly, the largest part of our By-Laws is ARTICLE VII. NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS, BALLOTING AND MEETINGS, with a total of 13 Sections. This is to ensure a fair and equitable Government in the Club and to ensure compliance with standards found in State and Federal election procedures.
What then is the Policy? To understand the Club Policy, it’s important to first understand the Board of Directors. By-Laws ARTICLE VI. GOVERNMENT Section 1 and ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES Section 5. Board of Directors, combined, define the Board of Directors and has vested the BOD with the entire government, control and management of the Club. It is under these By-Law Sections that the Board of Directors has written, maintains, and enforces the Club Policy. The Club Policy is a set of rules that maintain the common enjoyment of the Club and it serves as a basis to avoid conflict in general behavior. The Board of Directors may amend the Club Policy without a vote of the Membership. The Policy is flexible by design, it can be amended quickly as conditions change and as issues arise. Government agencies and other Institutions are generally not interested in our Policy. For instance, no government agency cares if we allow dogs on the Island or how we assign boat wells, sleeping rooms, or how we handle work weekend hours, or other behavioral issues; these are the types of things found in the Policy. It should be noted here that any change in Policy is first reviewed and approved by the Club Policy Committee to ensure it’s in compliance with the By-Laws. No Policy may contradict a By-Law. For the most part, By-Laws relate to duties and responsibilities of the Club as a whole, Policy relates to duties and responsibilities of individual Members. The By-Laws and Policy are equally enforceable and a Member violation of either document is no more or less enforceable than the other. This brings us to Traditions Traditions are things our Club and Members do as a matter of enjoying and passing down to future Members certain customary principles and beliefs that define our Club’s social culture. That’s a fancy way of saying we do certain things because we always have, and we like it that way. In a very real sense though, the North Channel Yacht Club sometimes seems to have more Traditions than By-Laws or Policies, and in some instances may appear to elevate them above the By-Laws or Policy. While not officially recognized or enforceable, it’s the Traditions that make our Club the family-oriented group of people it is. To coin a phrase from the modern lexicon, the Traditions are the glue that hold our Club together. We may fight like cats and dogs over the By-Laws and Policy, but when the Flag raises on the Sunday before Memorial Day, we’re all in agreement and get a lump in our throat and would take to the floor anyone who disagrees. That’s what a Tradition is. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll see more on Traditions as we’re making an effort to document and make available a list of the coveted Club Traditions. Hope this helps, Ron
North Chann North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 09 May 2019 Call to Order Commodore, Ian Blackburn Commodore Ian Blackburn called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The meeting was held at Rosie O’Grady’s of Chesterfield MI. Roll Call Secretary, Frank Corcoran F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Ian Blackburn x Vice Commodore Bill Calihan x Rear Commodore Glenn Nixon x D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell X Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli x Activities Tom Huntley x Treasurer Brian Fringer X Excused Publications Ron Draper x Secretary Frank Corcoran x Membership Debbie Siwek x Supplies Dale Hall x Club House John Sweier x I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE Randy Pagel x A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Leslie Leach x Excused Board Recorder Brian Roath x Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda All MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by Tom Altobelli to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by P/C Randy Pagel and seconded by V/C Bill Calihan to approve the April 14 2019 Board meeting minutes. Motion Carried
Commodore’s Comments
Commodore, Ian Blackburn
I can’t believe we are already May 9 th and the Elite Brigades’ are behind us. I would like to thank everyone who attended the Elite Brigade, there was much accomplished, and we certainly have talented and dedicated members. I am looking forward to the two Work Parties as there is still much to do. I would like to thank everyone on the Board for their efforts during the past four months. An amazing amount of work was accomplished to ready NCYC for the upcoming season. I would like each of you to
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9 May 2019
know that I am grateful that you are part of the 2019 Board. Thank you. I am also looking forward to the Memorial Day weekend. It will be packed with fun events, meetings and getting acquainted with the new members. But let’s not forget that the main reason for this weekend is to pay homage to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom
Vice-Commodore’s Comments
Vice Commodore, Bill Calihan
Even with the lousy weather we’ve had for the last several weeks, the members pulled together to accomplish a lot. We still have many things to get done before opening weekend, but I feel confident that we will meet our goal. On another note, by now most of you know that the Concorde Inn, Clinton Twp is being sold and converted into a Senior Living center. You also probably know that Terri and I had been planning to hold the 2020 Commodores ball at that facility. They are honoring only contracts through August of this year. We will get our full deposit back and move on. We have been looking for a place that can meet NCYC’s needs and feel that we have found such a place. When we get a contract signed, I will let everyone know where we are holding the ball. I hope to see all of you Saturday at the island
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Glenn Nixon
Still a ton of work to do the next two weekends, looking forward to a big turnout and hope for dry weather Thanks to Malik brothers for welding and repairing the rail on A-dock along the North Channel and partial fix for the rail on battleship row All the mulch for around the clubhouse, landscape timbers and mulch for the new play area is hauled to the island. Sign project is progressing o Material from the old sign have been hauled away and disposed of o New sign is delivered and mounted - additional installation will take place this Saturday, Kevin will be there Treasurer, Brian Fringer Treasurer Brian Fringer advises there is not a lot to report yet on the financials as expenses are just rolling in. Our cash position is at 310k and that is after the first leg of the seawall and the siding. If anyone has specific questions on the financial package please e-mail them to Brian. Brian needs the directors to send their expense detail from the bank during the first week of the month to ensure proper expense allocation. If there is any questions regarding the specific GL codes you should be using please let Brian know. If any director has not gone to Fifth Third to sign their signature cards please do so. Brian spoke with Janice at Bultynck & CO this week. We are still on track to have the taxes and review completed by the 15 th . o Landscaping and wiring awaiting some dryer weather Excited about opening weekend in a few short weeks Financial Report
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Motion: Moved by Dale Hall and seconded by Debbie Siwek to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried.
ABYA Report
P/C Randy Pagel
The ABYA Spring Fundraiser Dinner Dance is being well received by the ABYA membership. Should be a great turnout and would like to see a good representation of NCYC members. I still have tickets left to sell our members, so please see me. Event date is May 31 st -June 2 nd . The Chili cookoff for the Homeless Vets on Sunday, April 28 th was very successful. ABYA raised $4000 for the Vets at this event
Correspondence All Commodore Ian Blackburn read a request from the Water Warriors requesting a lunch stop on the island for their poker run on June 26, 2019.
Motion : Moved by P/C Randy Page and seconded by Ron Draper to grant permission for the Water Warriors to come to the island for their lunch stop on June 26. Motion Carried.
Commodore Ian Blackburn read a letter from the Port Dover Yacht club requesting that NCYC match the 1.50 per foot charge (which is the charge at their club) for their members when visiting the island. A decision was made by the board to maintain our current dockage rates and policies.
Tom Huntley Tom advised that two of the three paid bartenders are confirmed for Memorial Day weekend and he is working on the third.
John Sweier
John advised that the fire extinguisher certification is scheduled for May 14, the spider spray is scheduled for May 17 and the club house cleaning crew is scheduled for May 19 or 20. John also advised that he is working on scheduling the carpet cleaning and waxing of the tile floors.
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9 May 2019
Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli Tom advised the board that Jays service out of Lapeer will be servicing our porta john on the mainland and continue to do so once per month. The club will be direct billed at a cost of $50.00 per month. Tom also updated the board on the progress of the cement work for the grill pads and advised that the work will be completed at the upcoming work party this weekend.
Debbie Siwek
Debbie advised that copies of the newly revised membership applications will be kept behind the bar. Debbie presented Commodore Ian Blackburn with the new register for the Yacht Clubs of America and advised that will also be kept behind the bar. Debbie advised that she deposited $14, 875 today frommembership dues and will let Treasurer Brian Fringer know the deposit has been made. Debbie described a situation of a member who paid his dues but the check was returned for non- sufficient funds. She has tried to contact the member however her calls have not been returned and Debbie feels that she has made every effort to communicate with and get payment from the member.
Motion: Moved by Tom Altobelli and seconded by VC Bill Calihan to expel the member not in good standing according to Article 5 section 2 on page 78 of the club policies. Motion Carried.
Debbie also advised that she will get flowers for the new members to be presented at the business meeting.
Ron Draper
Ron advised that the rosters are currently at the printer. He also led a discussion about making the roster available in a digital form either as part of the Beacon or the club website. It was agreed that it was a good idea if a login was required to gain access for security reasons.
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9 May 2019
Secretary No Report
Frank Corcoran
Supplies – Dale Hall Dale advised that all bar taps have been cleaned. Delivery of kegs and liquor has been started for the opening weekend. He also advised that the Coke wands will be calibrated for the spring opening this weekend. Darryl Campbell Fin 1 (workboat) was launched ahead of schedule to facilitate anticipation of an appreciable amount of supplies for the grooming and improvement of our club. The handicap lift will not be installed until a later date due to the size and volume of the goods and equipment to be hauled. Fin 2 (Blue top) will be launched sometime around the middle of May as it is going through the usual repairs and maintenance. Fin 3 (the aluminum Stanley) has been getting quite a workout since its launch. However, it is a repeated request that some caution be taken when using it as Fin 3 has received damage in a number of areas and its use as our primary transportation will leave it a poor appearing representative to our beautiful club. I would like to thank those who set a great example and took the time to clean the boat up after the work party Saturday…….it was a mess. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind fixing the Finrunners but those funds would be better used elsewhere in the club Transportation –
Fleet Captain –
Leslie Leitch
We will be talking to Ross at DYC on Monday, so we can get an idea of the number of wells since they are now open. Then we can send out a Fan Out, although, we have received some request already. Fleet Captain’s.
Les and Patty
By Laws Discussion A high level summary of the By Laws revisions has been prepared for Commodore Ian Blackburn to review at the general membership meeting on opening weekend.
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