Hi Ladies:
Ladies week was a lot of fun as always with great food, fun and activities. Thank you to all that volunteered and helped to make it such a success. Children’s day was a huge success thanks to Janet Vanderwinkle and her team of helpers. The day couldn’t have gone better! Thanks again to all that had anything to do with making kid’s day so special. There were so many generous donations and great prizes! The First Mates 2019 Labor Day dinner “Southern Hospitality” will be on Sunday, September 1 st . Reservations should be sent to Colleen Braun by August 24 th . Please check the Beacon for further details. Please remember to participate in our 2019 community charitable project to support “Vets Returning Home.” The project donation box is in the clubhouse and donations will be accepted throughout the boating season.
Don’t forget to head on over to the Boatique and do some shopping!
Respectfully, Linda Lutz 2019 First Mates Publicity Director
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