NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page3of 9
Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh
Things aregettingbusynow. Mother'sDayhas comeandgone, finally springhas sprung. the EliteBrigadeandourworkweekendshavebegun. Wedidagreat jobputting the island tobed last fall. That ensured that theopeningwould take less effort and bemore fun. Themost amazing thingabout the club forme is thenever endinggenerosityand volunteerismof our greatmembership. ThegenerousdonationbyHythamandNancyAljida for thenewkitchen top tobottom in themanager's apartment. It looks awesome!! What a face lift, it looks30 years younger. The firstworkweekendhas comeandgonewithwhat looks like80 (+) members lendingahelpinghandandenjoying the camaraderieof friendsenjoying thedayand getting the clubopen.
Our hearts and thoughtswerewithCommodore JohnAndersonandhiswifeBev,with the loss of Bev'smother, aswell aswithBettyGottschalkwith the loss of her son, Kevin.
I am looking forward toagreat seasonon the island.
Financial Report
Treasurer, FrankCorcoran
In Frank's absence, abrief reviewof the financial reportswas givenbyVCBrianMcEvoy
Itwas noticed that therewas a small service chargeonan inactiveaccount that the clubhad.
Motion: MovedbyPCDonVanover to close the inactiveaccount. SecondedbyVCBrian McEvoy.
MotionCarried .
Adiscussionwas heldonwhether to closeourAT&Taccount andgowithComcast.
Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi to keep theAT&Taccount open for now, due to some unresolved issues. SecondedbyDonReiss.
Motion: MovedbyRCChuckStroh toaccept the financial report. SecondedbyRichGoodman.
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