NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page4of 9
ABYA is sponsoringa trip toPut-In-BayonAugust 8, 2014. The Jet Expresswill leave from the Detroit Yacht Clubat 9:00am, andwill depart Put-In-Bayat 7:00pm. The cost is$85.00per person. Tickets for theABYADinnerDanceatNCYCareon salenow. Theeventwill beheldonMay 31, 2014at theNCYCClubhouse. Tickets are$22.50per person. Please contact PCDonVanover for your tickets.
Anotewas received from Sandi Stroh thanking themembership for theplanter for her recent illness.
Reciprocal letterswere received fromBuffaloYacht Club,NauticalMileYacht Club, Ottawa River Yacht Club, JeffersonYacht Club, and theWindsor Yacht Club.
A letterwas received fromWindsor Yacht Club tovisitNCYCon the4th, 5th, and6thof July.
Motion: MovedbyRandyPagel toallowWindsor Yacht Club to visitNCYCon theabovedates. SecondedbyRCChuckStroh.
DonReiss to contactWindsor Yacht Clubandadvise them thatwehavenomoreopenings for this year. Hewill suggest that they tryagainnext year.
A letterwas received fromDiane French, theDonationsChairperson, for theAncientMariners, requestingadonation from the club for their largest fund raiser, theNorthChannel Downs HorseRaces. She stated that all of themoneyearned from this event goesback toNorth Channel. Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi togivea$500donation to theAncientMariners for theNorth Channel Downs event. When theevent isover, the$500will goback to theNCYCgeneral fund before the remainder of funds aregiven for thedebt reduction. SecondedbyRandyPagel.
Special Guest: GeneKleemann
Gene stated that long timemember, BevTarien,would like to come to theClub for theFlag RaisingCeremony. Theboardassuredhim thatwedohaveahandicap lift toaccommodate her.
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