NCYCGeneral Membership MeetingMinutes Page2of 6
actions from thisboard, and theaforementionedgenerosityand involvement,wehave successfully loweredour debt this year by$49,000.00, over andaboveourmonthlydebt obligations. What a year,WHATATEAM!
Webrought in25newmembers and5 junior's,wehaveawaiting listwith four nameson it. I couldgoonandon...
Tonightwewill bepresenting the2014budget andwe look forward toany concerns andor questions youmayhaveconcerning theoperationof our fine club.
But, beforewego there... Wemust first recognizea fewpeoplewhomade this year special. BrendanRomatzbeganour year by carrying theAmerican Flag to theColorGuard tobe raised in showingour patriotism toour great nation and toannounce theopeningofNCYC for the 2013 season. ThankyouBrendan.
Another shout-out to SteveandDianeMarten for thebeautiful Commodore sign. A truework of art.
I'd like to say thanks: ToGregBrigman for your service to thisClub, and for yourwilling toadapt andaccept anew role this year asour publicationdirector. Youdidanamazing job. ToKim Miedema, for fillinga vacancyon theBoardand jumping inwithall her zest andenergyand... Finally... DianeFrench for her never endingdedicationandnineyearsof service toNorth Channel. I'dalso like to thankSueReiss for takingon theBoardRecorder duties. Sometimes adifficult job in cipheringall that is saidat ourmeetingand transposinga lot of banter into recognizable speech. ThankyouGregandYvonneand team for beingour Fleet Captains: A lot of hardworkwith great results. Abook commemorating this year's rendezvous' was given toGregandYvonne in appreciationof their hardwork.
ThankyouDirectors for all of your commitment tomakeadifferencehereatNCYC. I look forward toworkingwithyounext year.
Thankyou toour newlyelecteddirectors, BrianMalik, BrentMalik, FrankCorcoranandRandy Pagel for steppingup to the challengeof guidingour club into the future.
ThankyouChuckStroh, Rear Commodore2014 for your continueddevotion toNorthChannel.
Thankyou Jill andPCRick for Kid'sDayand theKid'sCampout and for all you twodo!
Thankyou toall appointees,weekmanagers,weekendOD's, event planners, food servers, cooks and clean-up crew's,membersof ourmany committees andahuge thankyou toYOU, themembership for your support.
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