NCYCGeneral Membership MeetingMinutes Page3of 6
Thankyou toPCTomMcHugh for all of your efforts servingasour ambassador toABYA.
ThankyouBarb for standingbehindmeAll theWay, I love you.
In closing, four years agoBarband Iwere considering steppingaway from thebusinessof the club, after servingmy three years as adirector, butwereencouragedbymanyof youhere in this room tonight toplacemynameon theballot for RearCommodore. Well, hereweare!
I'm looking forward to servingas theNCYCdelegate for theABYA, starting in Januaryand to servingNorthChannel asPast Commodore. Thankyou
ViceCommodore, JohnAnderson
ThankyouCommodore for thegreat commentary. Iwould like to thankeveryone for their attendance thisevening. I encourageeveryone toattendall of theevents that happenat NCYC. Weareall looking forward tomoving the club forward. HaveaHappyThanksgiving.
Rear Commodore, BrianMcEvoy
Welcome toeveryonewho camehere tonight. Iwould like to thankCommodoreDonandhis LadyBarb for agreat year. Thanks toDiane, Kim, andGreg for their serviceon theboard this past year. I look forward toworkingwithour newdirectors this coming year. Aswe celebrate VeteransDay, Iwould like to thankall of our veterans.
Financial Report
Treasurer, Chuck Stroh
Motion: MovedbyPCPaul Jarvis towaive the financial report since itwill begiven in the budget report. SecondedbyPCRickRomatz. MotionCarried
ABYAReport P/CTomMcHugh Our ownPCRickRomatzwill beRear Commodoreof theABYA this coming year. PCRick and Jill will be hosting the annual ABYA Spring rendezvous that will beheld inMidland onMarch 7,8& 9 2014. The theme next year will be 'Horse Racing'. The ABYA Dinner Dance will be held on December 5, 2013 at The Enchantment Hall. The tickets are $67.50 per ticket. Please seeme after themeeting if youwant tickets. The nextmeetingwill be at Huron Pointe on January 6. Thiswill bea 'Meet theCandidates'meeting.
Activities –KimMiedema Itwas agreat year this year. Wehada lot of fun.
ClubHouse –RichGoodman
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