NCYCGeneral Membership MeetingMinutes Page5of 6
Transportation –Pat Carroll Itwas agreat year, and Iwant to thankeveryonewhohelpedme. Endof report. Fleet Captain –Greg&YvonneMurray It was a great year. Thanks to everyone who came to the rendezvous' and helped out. Thanks to Commodore Don and Barb for everything. Please support Ian and Marieas your Fleet for next year. OLDBUSINESS a. Topic #1 - Forward Planning Committee: A copy of the Forward Planning Committee reportwas distributed. RCBrianMcEvoy reviewed the5 and10 year plan as submittedby theCommittee. The committeemembers areCommodore Don Vanover, Ed Romatz, Ron Kemp, Don Ruma, Jeff Edgerly, Kevin Verkest and Ron Latowski. Motion: Moved by Leslie Leitch to accept the Forward Planning Committee report. SecondedbyBobSwan. MotionCarried. b. Topic #2 – Financial Report: Chuck Stroh indicated that the membership overwhelmingly wanted the debt to be paid down. Well this month we paid a lump sum of $49,300 towards our debt. Last year at this time we owed $255,000 and this year we owe $179,809. The budget was passed out to the membership. Chuck reviewed each sheet by position. It showed a comparison between2013, (asof 10-27-13) and the2014budget. Discussion followed. Motion: Movedby PCRick Romatz to approve the 2014 Financial Report. Secondedby PCHarleyBurris. MotionCarried. First Mates: First Mates President, Sandy Stroh invited everyone to the First Mates Christmas Party to be held at the Barrister Gardens on December 5, 2013. Ladies, please come and bring your friends and family. Sandy thanked Commodore Don and stated that itwasniceworkingwithhimand theBoard this year. Ancient Mariners: Ancient Mariners President, Archie Archibald, wished everyone a HappyThanksgiving,MerryChristmas andaHappyNewYear Membersof theMonth: Commodore Don Vanover wanted to acknowledge PCGary Barnard for theMember of the Month forOctober. Thanks for thegreat jobyoudowith the incoming rendezvous'. The Commodore also acknowledged Ed Romatz and Ron Kemp for Members of theMonth for November. Anytime there is a project tobedone, you canbet these 2 guyswill be right there tohelp. Thanks toall of you. I.
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