NCYCGeneral Membership MeetingMinutes Page6of 6
Past CommodoresPresent: 1979 PCPaul Jarvis
2004 PCRickRomatz 2007PCHarleyBurris 2011PC JohnDickson 2012 PCTomMcHugh
1995 PCScott Bell 1999 PCHughVestal 2003PCGaryBarnard
Goodof theOrder PCRickRomatz thankedCommodoreDon for agreat year.
Bob Swan indicated that he only has 5 paver stones ordered and he needs 2 or 3more before he canplace anorder. CommodoreDon thankedBob andCindy for their efforts with thepaver stones. PC Harley Burris thanked the outgoing BoardMembers, Greg Brigman, KimMiedema, andDiane French for their service toNCYC. He also thankedCommodoreDon andBarb for agreat year. Chuck Stroh wanted to make everyone aware that we went to Ohio for our last rendezvous of the year. We visited 5 Yacht Clubs down there andwewere treated like kings. They bought our drinks and served us lunch and dinner. We need todo a better jobwithour incoming rendezvous. NCYCdoes not do enough towelcome thesepeople and showhowmuchweappreciate them coming toour island. ThurstonDean indicated that this Board and thepeople in this roommadehim love this clubagain. Thankyou.
Adjournment MOTION: MovedbyArchieArchibald toadjourn themeeting. SecondedbyArt Brooks MotionCarried Meetingadjourned at 8:10
NextMeeting DateandTime:May24, 2014at 1:00p.m. Location:NCYCClubhouse
SueReiss BoardRecorder
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