Hello NCYC Members, For those who missed the last Beacon, again, let me introduce myself for those who do not know me. My name is Leslie Leitch and I have been working with the past three Commodores on organizing the use of our club from other yacht clubs and incoming rendezvous. This year Commodore Randy Pagel has established a position now known as Harbor Master. My duties are to take requests from other clubs and present them to the Board and Bridge for approval. They discuss the dates and incoming clubs by either approving the request or not based on our club’s activities for those days. The focus has been to promote clubs to come during the week more than the weekends, but there have been some approved incoming weekends that should not interfere with our members regarding available wells.. Therefore, my other duty is to notify our members of those approved incoming boats in order for you to note them on your calendar and be aware of these outings. The following are the approved incoming rendezvous for the upcoming 2018 boating season: 6/22 – Antique Boat Poker Run -no wells -just a stop by Saturday 7/16 -7/19 – Sandusky Yacht Club - 8 boats: Mon -Thurs
7/23-7/26 – CYC -12 boats: Mon -Thurs 7/27-7/29 – JBM – 25-30 boats: weekend 7/31 – 8/3 Harbor View Yacht Club – 14 boats: Tues -Fri morn 8/3 – 8/5 Sand Pointe – 15 boats: weekend
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