July Beacon

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May 12, 2022

o Total wells allocated = 40 o Total wells reserved = 34 o Sending out Last Call and will do the well assignments It is understood the earliest arrival for ABYA boats is 3pm on Friday. Leslie was asked to include that fact in the info notice Leslie will be there to direct traffic and deal with well conflicts  Guest speaker from Coast Guard Auxiliary o New rules for recreational boaters regarding fire control and emergency beacons o Reminder boats under 26’, with an outboard and no enclosure for o collection of vapors are not required to have a fire extinguisher on board o Gave reference to an instructional video on YouTube – America’s Boating o Channel Season 5  P/C Bolzendahl gave a talk on the new tools and procedures for crossing between Canada and the US – “Arrive Canada” app is the sole necessary tool.  Reminder on the 50/30/15/5 ticket sales  Number of flyers will be included in the package sent to the Board Recorder o ABYA Calendar o ABYA Spring Dinner Dance o DRYA new Canada border requirements o Open Public Information Assembly at HPYC 24 th May 2022 at 7pm o May 2, ABYA meeting agenda o Official April 4 meeting minutes o SOSC Golf Outing flyer o Quill email from ABYA P/C Patricia Mok with additional announcements

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