July Beacon
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May 12, 2022
Emergency water/gas labels are on the back window thanks to Terry Steinbacher. The back part of the kitchen has been painted. All refrigerators and freezers have been inspected and serviced as required. The 1 split system in the bar area has been inspected and repaired. The one in the boutique has been checked, and repaired. All heating and cooling should be working correctly. Upstairs hallway replaced smoke detectors with combo CO2 and Smoke. Installed CO2 3 locations downstairs, please don’t unplug for any reason. Crawl space project - this is 98% complete, we got through the winter very dry we are adding 1 intake vent to balance out the exhaust fan, and we will be done. The budget was not to exceed $10,000 I think we will come in just over $5,000.00, big savings from the original estimates of $30,000-$54,000.00 Generator Update - we are able to get an additional $5,700 from the insurance company which is great news. The pad is ready for the generator. Bad News original delivery date of May was backed up to June and now we are looking at August. Very important during power outages to keep all refrigerators and freezers closed. This should buy us 48-72 hours in the event of a power outage. Repairs are needed to the ice machine, one side is working. Please don’t turn on or off anything. Should be repaired within a week. Current ice production is adequate. If you see things that need to be fixed or replaced please text me the information @ 586-914-0711 include as much information as possible. End of Report. **** End of report**** Terry Steinmacher We have had many good things going on this spring for all to enjoy. As you look around the club you will see a lot of new improvements from the mainland to the island. I would like to thank everyone for their dedication and hard work, without that, the club would not be what it is today. Although we still have may projects to complete before the opening there are still 2 more work parties left to get your 4 hours in. So come on out and lend a helping hand where needed. Harbor & Grounds
Fleet Captains
Kim Miedema
Change of location for rendezvous. Port Huron, MI for early June event. **** End of report****
Marie Pepin
Boating Members: Senior Members:
44 25
Non-Boating Members:
Junior Members: Honorary Member
1 3 0
LOA Year 1: LOA Year 2:
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