July Beacon

NCYC St Clair Rendezvous August 12-14, 2022

41 boat wells have been reserved for this rendezvous! All boat wells are currently reserved and we have a wait list. St Clair also has campsites at the harbor as another option. Murphy's Inn may be another option for accommodations. We are very excited for the weekend's activities! $65 per person for full weekend activities, $50 per person for Saturday only activities! Friday night Taco Bar with specialty drink and open bar! Saturday morning omelet bar as well as Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar! Explore the city of St Clair and have lunch in town! There will be several stops for the Poker Run from 11am - 4 pm! Join in the 9-Hole Golf Scramble at Pine Shores after breakfast on Saturday. Saturday evening catered dinner by A Movable Feast at the harbor. The Free Lance Band will provide entertainment Saturday night in the pavilion from 8-11 pm! Sponsored by Jefferson Beach Yacht Sales! Special Thank you to Doug Glendening! Sunday morning continental breakfast as well as Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar!

Poker Run entry fee is $5. Prizes awarded after dinner.

9 Hole Golf Scramble shotgun start Saturday morning. Green's fees and cart rental $20 per person paid morning of golf scramble prior to departure to golf course. No need to choose your foursome as cards will be drawn prior to going to golf course to determine your team. Contests during golf with prizes awarded after dinner!

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