July Beacon
Run on June 8th. The harbor was completely full and the event was very well attended. NCYC was a big part of this year’s success which helped generated over $80,000 for the Michigan Parkinson Foundation. On June 29th the Water Warriors sponsored the Special Olympics Fun Run. Special thanks to members Dave & Debbie DuVernay for all their hard work to pull off another successful event this year. Their dedication is very much appreciated for such a worthy cause. The ladies of NCYC held an outstanding Lady’s Week June 19th – 24th. Special thanks to Colleen Braun, Christa Betts and Susan Burkhardt for organizing all the activities and hosting over 40 participants. The week received rave reviews and First Lady Colleen Hall would like to thank all the Lady’s that attended and spent time together. June also ushered in our first NCYC Rendezvous hosted by our fabulous Fleet Caption Team of Kim Miedema, Sharon Javery and Susan Burkhardt. The rendezvous included over 15 couples from NCYC and a great time was had in Port Huron. The city of Port Huron has recovered well from the 2 years of Covid with many new bars and restaurants opening as well as many points of interest. The Saturday activities included tours of the Fort Gratiot Light Station and Huron Lightship, an Art Fair and Farmers Market. Although the rain dampened the concerts on Friday evening the weekend was great fun and well planned by the Fleet Captain Team. The NCYC Boating Season is off to a very fast start, and we would encourage everyone to review the Schedule of Events and get your calendar blocked and get involved for the remainder of the Summer. We look forward to seeing you on the island. Your Flag
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