July Beacon

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May 12, 2022

Approval of Meeting Minutes From April 14th


Motion to approve April’s BOD Meeting Minutes Motion by: P/C Glenn Nixon Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Dale Hall

Commodore’s Comments Elite Brigades have been going well and we sincerely appreciate all the directors getting engaged in your particular areas, and getting people out for the Elite Brigades. We are now up to our two official work parties and I think we are good shape. We have had people going to the island during the week to get things ready. V/C Brian got the water leak in front of the Clubhouse resolved this week so we don’t have to worry about that rupturing mid-year right in the middle of one of our big events. My phone has been ringing off the hook this week so I am looking forward to good participation the next two weekends as well. Special thanks to all of you, we got a lot of things accomplished this Spring and several things that we did not expect to have to accomplish. We are two and half weeks from our opening weekend and we are looking forward to great Steer Roast, General Membership Meeting and Flag Raising. This is great time for us to shine and please communicate with each other and reach out and ask if you need anything!

Commodore Dale

Vice-Commodore’s Comments

Vice Commodore, Brian Fringer

Echo everything from Commodore and grateful for all accomplished over the recent weeks.

Rear-Commodore’s Comments

Rear Commodore, Scott Greenfelder


Financial Report

Treasurer, Christa Betts

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