NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page4of 8

FirstMates Joint Participation:

Discussed–Budget 2014. Upgrades tomanagers apartment. Reviewed the$5Kallocation to island generator. $1Kallocation for new commercial vacuum,manager apartment flooring, new couch for apartment andbar area.Moveold couch to kid’s area. Addnewdishwasher to budget.


Activities - BobCarnaghi ClevelandY.C. –Requesting rendezvous toNCYCarrivingTuesday, July29 –departing Thursday, July31 st . (18–21boats) 30’ to46’ vessel size. Also requesting someearly arrival (3or 4vessels). Motion: MovedbyP/CHughVestal toallowClevelandY.C. to attendNCYCSunday, July 27 th –Thursday, July31 st . SecondedbyBobCarnaghi. MotionCarried. Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi toallownewmembers Jen& LenPiecuch, ownersof Boat TownWillys tohave their sponsored Special Olympics fundraiser, Poker Run stop byNCYConWednesday, July16 th from10:00am–11:30am. SecondedbyPat Carroll. MotionCarried. Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi –WaterWarriors (Dave&DebbieDuVernay) requesting ifNCYC can issueaFan-Out to informNCYCMembersof their Special Olympics fundraiser EuchrePartyheldonMay2 nd at Total Sports. SecondedbyBrent Malik. MotionCarried. Clubhouse - RichGoodman Good turn-out to first elitebrigade.Gutterswere cleaned, somedamage to copula. Cabinetwork tomanager’s apartment, ready for electricalworkandnew flooring. Bids from flooring company. Spokeof anewdishwasher for clubhouse, gettingquotes?Club houseneedspowerwashing. Clubhouseneeds assistantmanager?

Harbor&Grounds –DonReiss Absent no report.

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