NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page7of 8
OLDBUSINESS Topic #1 Standby35KwGenerator. Discussed if it isproper size for island, tabled to getmore input onpower size. Motion: Moved by Brian McEvoy to go to separate fund to raise $2K for a bigger generator, 35Kwup to70Kw fromMotorCityElec (fundraiser). SecondedbyP/CHugh Vestal. MotionCarried. Topic #2 Communication/Media Costs. Comcast new bundle quotes for TV, Web, Phone vs. AT&T currently. Comcast – save money and faster web service. Need to keepDish. Motion: Moved by Brian McEvoy to move from AT&T web service to Comcast. SecondedbyP/CHughVestal. MotionCarried. Topic #3 NCYC Loan table tonextmeeting. NEWBUSINESS Topic #1 Reviewednew corkwine law for outsidebottlewineat club. Topic #2 Good of the order –What to do with the discount membership fee that expires onMay1 st ?Doweextend the initiation feediscount? Motion: Moved by R/C Chuck Stroh, afterMemorial Day 2014, first 15 applications will still get $750 initiation fee until December 31 st 2014. Seconded by V/C Brian McEvoy. MotionFailed. Motion: Moved by BrianMalik to have extend reduced initiation fee through June meeting date. Application fee in by 2 nd Tuesday of June 2014, to take advantage of $750 initiation fee. SecondedbyBobCarnaghi. MotionCarried.
Adjournment MOTION: MovedbyP/CHughVestal toadjourn themeeting. SecondedbyPat Carroll
Meetingadjourned at 11:15pm
NextMeeting DateandTimeMay13, 2014at 7:00pm. Location: Crews Inn
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