March 2014 Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 10

Theme: Casino Night On Saturday September 20, we will be having a Casino Night. Nothing new to report on this rendezvous. OLD BUSINESS Topic #1 The generator discussion will be tabled until the March meeting, the information requested has not yet been received. Topic #2 A discussion was held on renewing our membership in ILYA and AYC. Motion: Moved by PC Don Vanover to renew these memberships. Seconded by Pat Carroll. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS Topic #1 Commodore John presented the board with the members and Chairpersons of the committees. By-Law Committee: Randy Pagel, Chairperson. PC Harley Burris, Robert Carnaghi, Diane French, Larry Malik. Motion: Moved by VC Brian McEvoy to approve By-law Committee. Seconded by Don Reiss. Motion Carried. Forward Planning Committee: Tabled until March Meeting. Nominating Committee: Tabled until March Meeting. Finance Committee: Frank Corcoran, Chairperson. Al Durand, Ron Latowski, Steve Marten, Dan Pienta, PC Don Vanover. Motion: Moved by Rich Goodman to approve the Finance Committee. Seconded by Don Reiss. Motion Carried. Guideline/Procedures Committee: PC Rick Romatz, Chairperson. PC Gary Bernard, PC Bill Bauer, PC Harley Burris, Larry Malik, VC Brian McEvoy, PC Tom McHugh, Brian Michel, PC Hugh Vestal. Motion: Moved by Don Reiss to approve the Guideline/Procedure Committee. Seconded by PC Don Vanover. Motion Carried,



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