March 2014 Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 10

Marketing Committee: Kim Miedema, Chairperson. Bill Edens, Diane French, John Greening, Ken Lipowski. Motion: Moved by Bob Carnaghi to approve the Marketing Committee. Seconded by Rich Goodman. Motion Carried. Insurance Committee: Commodore John Anderson, Chairperson. VC Brian McEvoy, RC Chuck Stroh, Steve Marten. Motion: Moved by Don Reiss to approve the Insurance Committee. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal. Motion Carried. Historical Records Preservation Committee: Ben Carroll, Chairperson. Motion: Moved by PC Don Vanover to approve the Historical Records Preservation Committee. Seconded by VC Brian McEvoy. Motion Carried. Audit Committee: TBD Motion: Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to have the Finance Committee, Forward Planning Committee and the Nominating Committee selected by the Board of Directors and not the Chairperson. Seconded by Rich Goodman. Motion Failed. Topic #2 The Events Calendar still has some open weekends. Contact Commodore John if you would like to sponsor an event. There is still a need for a Youth Director. If interested, please contact Commodore John. Topic #3 A discussion was held on the weekend OD manual and the week manager manual. The board will review these manuals and report back at a future meeting. III. Good of the Order - Don Reiss made a request that we place a complete price list at the register and at the window where drink orders are taken. PC Hugh Vestal said that that is in the works. Don Reiss also stated that we need a sign at the bar that states you need to be 21 as of this date in 1993. PC Hugh will look into getting one of those signs. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Frank Corcoran. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 pm

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